Worst Restaurant Ever

Worst Restaurant Ever
By Leon G
Winter 2021 Fifth Grade
I went to this restaurant and it was the last time I am going to this restaurant. The name of the restaurant was Best Restaurant in the World. When I got out of my car, it looked like a horrible restaurant. It had mold and trash bins on the ground and also a lot of junk.
When I walked into the restaurant, I saw the menu with dirt all over it. The waiter looked like she had never brushed her hair and never cleaned her clothes.
I ordered the kids’ beef. My brother ordered octopus and my dad ordered pasta. When we start eating, we spit out the crap. It is as chewy as gum and tastes like a tissue off the ground.
After we tasted it, we spoke to the manager. We said “your food is unbelievably horrible. Now I understand why there is no one here.” Then my dad punched the manager in the face.
A big fight happened, then me and my brother were wrestling all the waiters. When we won we ran out then suddenly a karen said “get back inside.” So we got inside and then she teleported away.
She came out from nowhere then punched me in the face. She made a mistake. I was not an ordinary person. I had a stand! My stand had black hair and it was buff. The color of it was purple and light blue. My brother had a stand and my dad too. My brother was white with a horse. My dad’s one is yellow and white.
These are the stands and I will use my stand and take my revenge on the karen. I punched her faster than the speed of light for a while then she fell to the floor. Afterwards we ran home as fast as we could RUN!!!