What If I Met A Suspicious Stranger

What If I Met A Suspicious Stranger
By Kuya K
Spring 2020 Grade 3

One dark night, I crossed paths with a strange looking man. He offered me a hand shake even though I did not know him. He smiled at me suspiciously. I offered to get him dinner.

He refused and said to me ?Sorry but I already had dinner.?

He did not tell me his name, but I was very surprised to see a stranger that did not just walk by. I went back to the place where I saw him for the first time. I have not gone to that place ever again since I saw him. But it felt like he was always watching me. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but I was wrong.

One night while I was walking down an alley. I heard a voice that sounded very deep and the same stranger was there too.

He said, ?nice for us to meet again.??

I had shivers coming up my spine and I felt terrified. I wanted to say to myself ?this was all a dream? but I tried that, and it didn?t work at all.

After that I noticed he was wearing a black mask that matched his hoodie. His face remained a secret to me but if he decided to attack, I had my keys in my hand ready to defend. I saw he was holding something like a poster in his pocket.

He whispered, ?Now we are alone. You are a goner.? He showed me the poster. It looked like real people drawn on with an X on them. My picture did not have an X on it yet and he put a X on it now.

He took out a knife. He showed me his face. He didn?t have a nose. He rushed at me and I quickly stabbed him in the eye with my key and he teleported away not showing his face ever again in the world.