Velvet and Ros

by Kyler H, Nantes T, and Kuya K
Fourth Grade Summer 2021

One day a boy named Ros was walking in the park. He saw a girl named Velvet. She had blue eyes. Velvet tripped on a pebble and Ros caught her. She said, ?thanks? and started blushing. Ros said, ?Your eyes are beautiful.?? She said, ?Thanks.? Then she ran away.

Ring Ring Ring.? The school bell has struck. Ros went to 1st period and saw Velvet. He said, ?Hi? then she said? ?Hi.? They were in social studies together.

Break time they got to sit with their friends and talk. Their friends were making fun of them so they ran. Ros ran to a tree. It was his favorite spot to relax but Ros did not know that it was also Velvet’s favorite spot too. They said ?hi.?

Nantes continues story:

Then they started blushing again. However, someone also has a crush on Velvet. It was Ros? best Japanese friend, Akimitsu. He was filming them and posting it onto his tik tok account. He got about 10 million likes. Some people commented that they are a great couple. Akimitsu didn?t believe they were a great couple, still lots of people commented that.

When Velvet saw this on her phone, she told Ros. Ros was very angry; why would Akimitsu do this to him? He was raging in fire, yet Velvet was calm. She made an alt account and posted a comment to the video Akimitsu attached on tik tok. When Akimitsu saw the comment, he had a hot surrounding like sitting on the fire. He threw the phone on the tree and made an angry noise. He went to the motorcycle and rode home without thinking about the class that was starting. He got an F for class participation points.

Kyler continues story:

Velvet said ?It’s ok Ros? then she kissed him. Ros was no longer angry. He was so surprised and happy.

Akimitsu shouted at Ros, ?What did you do Ros? I will get you back Ros!!!? He walked away. He filmed a video of them kissing. It got so famous that he was one of the most famous tik tok people. Ros and Velvet found out by their parents. The parents were so angry at Akimitsu.

Nantes continues story:

Their parents told Akimitsu?s parents that he was acting badly. Akimitsu was grounded for 6 months, and his parents took all of his devices. Akimitsu?s parents, who were usually called the Haku, apologize to them for Akimitsu?s behavior.

Ros and Velvet had permission to be together. They were girlfriend and boyfriend after all.?

Kuya continues story:?

Still Akimitsu didn?t stop there. He planned to try and kill Ros in an ?accident?. He decided to ?apologize? to Ros and Velvet. They accepted his apologies and Akimitsu and Ros became friends again. At least that is what Ros thought.

When Akimitsu and Ros were driving to school, Akimitsu tried to make Ros fall from the car by breaking the lock on his door. Ros fell out of the car and Ros suffered injuries. Akimitsu drove off leaving Ros injured.

Ros wanted to get his revenge. He went to Akimitsu?s apartment and when he left for school Ros broke in. He was horrified by what he saw. Velvet was captured and locked in Akimitsu?s closet. Ros quickly freed Velvet and made a plan. He set up traps so when Akimitsu came into his apartment a rock would drop on his head, knocking him out.?

Akimitsu came back. The rock fell on his head and everything went as planned. Akimitsu tried to fight back Ros by punching Ros in the face. But Ros was prepared and blocked Akimitsu?s punches. Akimitsu grabbed a knife from the kitchen. He took Velvet hostage and when Ros grabbed a knife, Akimitsu put his knife at Velvet?s throat. Then in a moment of hesitation Ros threw the knife, stabbing Akimitsu?s hand. And it was up to Ros to finish this off. He was against the idea but why not? Ros quickly decapitated Akitmitsu and blood sprayed everywhere.?

It was over. Akimitsu was dead. And the first thing they did was take a picture of his dead body and send it on Instagram. They finally got their justice.

Nantes continues story:

Two years have passed, and no one was mad at Akimitsu?s dead body. A crime should have been committed, however, there was not enough evidence, Velvet was the only witness.

Kyler finishes the story:

A few more years passed by, Velvet and Ros are adults, they got married and had two kids named Rose and Violet.?

Thirty years passed by, they had grandkids and then they passed away in their sleep.????