The Trio

By Nane P.

Summer 2020 4th Grade

This summer Maddie and I were going to a camp together! I still can’t believe our parents allowed us to go together. Maddie and I were best friends ever since the second grade. She was the friend I could rely on and talk to about anything. I really wanted to have a sleepover but our parents didn?t allow us. Her mom and my mom didn?t really get along together.

Today was the day I was going to camp with Maddie. I was really excited and so was Maddie. When the bus came we both got on and sat at the very back. We talked all the way there. When we got to the camp the counselor assigned us to our cabins. Sadly Maddie and I weren?t in the same cabin. But we were gonna see each other during lunch and activities so I thought it was fine. When we got to the camp it was already late so we had to go into our cabins and sleep.

The cabin itself wasn?t bad, just some cobwebs. The other person in my cabin was another girl. She was very messy and she snored so loud I could not sleep.

When the sun came up we went to go have breakfast. I was so excited to tell Maddie about everything. But when I got to the cafeteria, I saw Maddie sitting with someone else. I was kind of confused.

Maddie introduced me to Caroline and left to go get yogurt.

?Uh so Caroline is it?? I said.

?Ugh yes it?s Caroline,? replied Caroline.

?Well this is kinda weird? I thought to myself. I really wanted Maddie to come back.

When Maddie came back, Caroline was a different person. She was nicer and she offered to do everything for Maddie. I didn?t think Caroline really liked me.

When we had to pick partners to go hiking with, I really wanted to be with Maddie, but I saw that Caroline had already picked Maddie. I asked Maddie if she wanted to be with me, but she just said that Caroline had picked her first. Caroline gave me a ?watching you look? that was when I realized the game was on.

I hiked with this weird girl. We were hiking and I saw a deer. I wanted to go closer to see it, so I went to look at it. Maddie and Caroline followed me. When we got closer to the deer it ran off. We chased after it until we gave up. We just had realized that we were the only ones here and that our counselors and other people in the group were gone. We were lost.

We walked and walked hoping to find a way out but we just got deeper and deeper into the woods. The sun was starting to go down and we were all scared. We all had our jobs. Caroline and I were supposed to get wood for the fire and Maddie was going to find food. At first, I didn?t want to work with Caroline but Maddie told us to work together. She wanted us to be friends.

Caroline and I didn?t talk but when we were walking, Caroline fell and hurt her leg, so I helped her carry her wood. Caroline and I each helped each other to carry the wood back to our spot. Caroline was actually kind of nice. She also helped me up when I fell, and she even set up the fire. Caroline and I had a lot of things in common. She loved puppies and hated adult dogs just like me. She also LOVED mac and cheese like me! We talked a lot about the difference between adult dogs and puppies.

Caroline seemed like a good friend, but I still didn?t trust her that much. Caroline and I were still competing for Maddie.

We spent the night in the woods. We were cold and itchy from the bugs biting us. Maddie fell asleep but Caroline and I were awake talking. We couldn?t sleep due to the bugs biting us. Caroline and I talked a lot about Maddie and how we would ?share? her. I didn?t want to have to share her. I wanted us to all be friends, but I didn?t know if Caroline was thinking the same. I woke up to the sound of people walking and shouting.

I heard ?Caroline! Maddie! Ella!? from the woods.

?Over here!!!!? I yelled.

The camp counselors had found us and brought us to the campsite where we got picked up by our parents. Caroline’s mom was out of town so my mom picked both us up and Caroline stayed the night at our place. The more time we spent together the more we became closer. Caroline would come over for sleepovers a lot since her mom was always out of town and only came back during the weekends.

Later I found out that Caroline was coming to our school. Maddie and I were really excited. In school, Caroline and I spent a lot of time together because Maddie was absent a lot. Maddie had to stay with her grandma that was in a coma while her mom worked to pay the hospital bills. But when Maddie came back, people called us the Trio because we would never go anywhere without each other.