The Lie

By Kuya K

Summer 2020 3rd Grade


My name is Kuya and my best friend is Ludo. We are third graders at the International School of Bangkok. Ludo and I have been best friends since Pre K. We liked to play Fortnite together. We also play soccer together in the same group.

Kyler told us that a rumor was spreading about me. He said it was very bad. Ludo and I have been best friends for years. I am sure that he won?t believe it. We were curious so we wanted to know what the rumor said.

Kyler told us he said. ?The rumor says that Kuya is actually an alien!

They saw a flying shuttle that landed at my house. They saw me standing in my backyard and get picked up by a green light.??

Kyler didn?t believe the rumor. Ludo said that he didn?t believe it too but for some reason I don?t think that he was sure if the rumor was true or not. I thought the person spreading the fake rumor saw it but only in a dream.

I sighed in relief thinking they didn?t know that I can control and make ice. The rumor was wrong but I did have special powers that regular humans don?t have. I am a human. I was born on Earth but I was born with special powers which I kept a secret.

I said that the rumor was silly, but one person took it seriously… Ludo.

I don?t know why he took it seriously maybe because one of his friends told him about it. I thought even if one of his friends told him about it, he would still think it was a joke. I was wrong. He stared at me like he knew I was keeping a secret.

Several nights passed with my head thinking why Ludo believed the lie. One day, while I was in bed, Ludo showed up at my house. I saw him looking into my upstairs room. He was intense.

Ludo?s skin suddenly turned green and glowing. He raised his hand and shot a radioactive beam at my window which smashed open. I jumped out of my room onto the ground and charged at him. He tried to throw knives at me while I was charging him. I froze one of them then made an ice shield. He said, ?I knew something was wrong with you.?

Ludo shot a meteorite at me along with green radioactive beams of light and toxic waste. I blocked the meteorite with my ice and dodged the green beams and toxic waste with my ice field. I froze Ludo before he took another shot at me.

I asked him a question, ?Why did he attack me?? He wanted to get rid of all humans starting with the ones who trust him most. His boss, S, ordered him to gather intel and make humans trust him. He was assigned this mission 9 years ago. S was testing Ludo?s loyalty by telling him to kill his best friend. He was sent to go kill me. As a good soldier, Ludo tried to carry out his mission but failed as I froze him. Behind the wall of ice, Ludo began to tear.

As he broke through one layer of ice he said. ?Too late.?? He teleported me to S. He was the ruler of galaxies and an intergalactic alien. S tried to kill me, but my layer of eternal ice was too hard for him to break through. I punched a hole in his ship, and he got killed by the lack of oxygen. S with his ship floated in the galaxy for the rest of eternity. A symbol of how evil once threatened the galaxy.

Ludo came back to his regular self because he was hypnotized and played with the group again.