The Key of Death

By Kuya K

Fall 2020 – 4th Grade

One day I was going through some old books in the attic where I found an old key which had a strange glowing effect. I picked it up and then I died.

Later I woke up, but nobody could see me. I saw a crack in the sky, but nobody noticed. I got sucked inside and was now on an island. It was an island of darkness. The only thing that I saw in the distance was a sign. The sign said: ?To find the key of death will resurrect you. To obtain the key of death, you must go face 3 trials.?

I touched the sign then I got teleported to the first trial. A tall mountain stood in front of me. Suddenly a boulder rolled in front of me and killed me. I respawned and the same boulder rolled again. I jumped out of its way and was looking for instructions when I found a riddle.

?Go tet to the lext nevel ttop bhe soulder.?

I thought about the boulder that was rolling down and immediately thought that I should try to solve the riddle. I tried to think about the words that make sense. Then I understood what I needed to do.

I looked around for materials and saw what I needed.? I saw metal bars and some rope. I waited for the next boulder to appear. I watched the speed it came down the mountain. When it passed, I then placed the metal bars and tied the rope. When the boulder came down again, the rope caught the boulder and it stopped.

A whirlwind came and sucked me into it then shot me into the air. I landed in the middle of a sandy desert.? In the desert, I found a petrified piece of wood that said:

?Survive the tornado.?

Then I looked behind me and a tornado was heading 130 miles per hour paving destruction behind it. I ran out of its way but eventually got sucked in and got hit by a metal bar and died. I respawned and ran away and then eventually found an abandoned car. I got in the car and drove to max speed. I was going triple my speed than walking and was able to outrun the tornado. I thought I was safe but when I looked out the car it was sinking. I drove the car into quicksand.

I started to panic then something dropped on my windshield. A sign appeared with another riddle. It was a series of numbers, symbols, and letters.


After staring at the combination, I understood. The letters stood for the number of the letters in the alphabet. 7 stands for G because it’s the seventh letter of the alphabet. 5 because e is the fifth letter. And 1 because it looks like T. It said, ?Get out of the car!?

I climbed out of the car right into the quicksand, but I just floated to the top. The quicksand was not like a real quicksand. It was an illusion. I walked right on the pile of rocks that were painted to look like quicksand. I congratulated myself for making it through. Then I collapsed.

I woke up in the hospital. No one knew what happened, but my parents were relieved to see me alive. The doctors told me I came back to life somehow. The doctors didn?t know what happened, but I did…

I got the Key of Death.