The Fairies

By Proud P

Fall 2020 Fourth Grade

One day in a small little town in South Georgia, a little boy named Gregg was watching TV when suddenly his dad came in. SLAM! The door burst open and said, ?Hey, Gregg guess what? I got a new job in Switzerland. They said that I would become a hotel manager.?

Gregg was an only child that lived with his dad. He had no mom so he was really excited that his dad got a new job because that meant that he could get out of this little cottage of his fathers.

Gregg ran up the stairs and shouted, ?Yippee I?m going to Switzerland.? He kept saying that non-stop. Five more days until he got to go to Switzerland. Those five days passed fast. At 3 am on Tuesday, Gregg and his father went to the airport. They checked in everything until they went to the gate. There was only one minute until their flight would leave. They hurried so much they almost fell when they got to their seats.

When they arrived, they went straight to the cab waiting for them. They got to the village. It was kind of strange for them because the houses were decorated so mysteriously. They got to their house and a surprise was waiting for them. There was a note it read, ?Hello new villagers of Coco Village. We are happy to have you here. In the next few months you will then be taken to the city. Before you go I would like to inform you that there is a kids club for your little boy, (Gregg Micheal Jones). We would love for him to visit us once. If he does go to the kids club, it is at the Morning Center.

?Wow that was kinda weird? said Gregg.

His dad shrugged and shooed him off and said, ?Go to the kids club after unpacking Gregg.?

Gregg sighed and said ?Fine.? After Gregg finished unpacking he went to the kids club.

When Gregg got to the kids club, he was in shock that the people there were fairies and not real humans. A swarm of fairies came around him and poked him until the leader fairy came and said, ?Come in little boy, I suppose you?re Gregg?? she said in an odd little voice. She whispered something in another fairy?s ear. When Gregg went inside there were no lights, just darkness. Suddenly he heard a lock on the door and someone put a sack over him and took him captive.

After two hours Greggs dad yelled, ?Gregg dinner time!?

?I have to get outta here.? Gregg thought but the fairies had taken him to an underground prison room. Gregg thought for a minute. It suddenly came to his mind he could use the old method his father taught him when they were still in South Georgia. He took leaves and made them into a pile. After he finally made them look like he was the person in bed. He took a blanket to cover the leaves shaped like him.

At dinner time, the fairies came to give him some food to eat. That was the perfect time to steal the keys and escape. When the fairy was about to leave, he stole her keys and put them in his pocket. At exactly midnight Gregg got out of his bed and unlocked the door and finally escaped to his house. He saw his dad at the front porch and Gregg explained everything quickly and said ?There?s no time to waste and that they had to get moving now.?

He and his dad packed quickly and they got moving outta town. Gregg?s dad already had a reservation at a hotel in the city and that they could get there in 30 minutes.

When they got into the city at the hotel, they had food ready for them and a message. The message said. ?Dear Gregg Michael Jones, Thank you for visiting us in Coco Village. We were so happy that you came but you have given us some very inappropriate behavior so you are not welcome in Coco Village ever again.?

Gregg and his dad laughed, ?It wasn’t me who had made the inappropriate behavior. It was them.? Gregg explained. Gregg and his father at their dinner, and for the record I don’t think that Gregg ever saw the fairies ever again nor his dad.

The End