The Elves

By Proud P

4th Grade Winter 2020

One day a girl named Lily went outside to her mom’s garden. Lily went to her mom’s garden every morning before she went to school, and every day she would see her mom outside in her garden. Lily’s mom Elizabeth would water her garden morning and night. She was obsessed.

On August the 12th, Lily went to her first day of school in fifth grade. When Lily was at school everything was normal until lunch time. Lily?s name was called on the speakerphone at her school.

?Attention?attention, if your name is Lily Thomas, please report to the principal’s office right this instant. I repeat right this instant.,? the admin said.

Lily?s eyes widened.

?On the first day of school? No way this was happening it’s the first day of school and I’m already in trouble, oh no.?

Lily shook her head and headed to the principal’s office. When Lily got to the office her mom was in the room and looked very sick too. The principle explained to Lily that her mom has a very weird illness that nobody has ever had before and that her mom went to the hospital and the people at the hospital said it was because of her garden that she’s ill.

When Lily got back home that day it was still a surprise that her mom wasn’t in the garden and laying on the couch. Lily got bored in less than an hour so she went outside to the garden. In her surprise Lily heard some little voices saying.

?Hey watch out would you??

Lily ignored it because she thought it was just her imagination. Lily walked to the nearest tree she could find to sit under it and rest a little. When Lily got to the old oak tree but when she sat down, she felt something pinching her back, when she went to see what it was she saw a mirror and an elf’s reflection in it. Lily was surprised and thought her eyes were tricking her but when Lily was about to go back inside her house the elf got her attention by knocking on the mirror.

?Hi, my name is Elvis who are you?? the elf asked.

?Mmmy nname is uh Lily sir Elvis.? Lily answered impatiently.

?Me and my crew know how to take care of your mother?s sickness. But you mustn’t tell anyone at all, not even your mother.?

?I?m all ears!? said Lily.

The elf showed Lily the potion she had to put in her mom’s food, but if Lily puts too much in it the illness could get worse. At dinner time Lily made soup for her mom and put the potion in it. At nighttime Lily went to sleep and she heard a knock on her window.

?Who’s there?? whispered Lily.

?It is I Elvis.? replied Elvis ?So my crew helped your mother, so, now we want something back in return.?

There was a pause then Lily said ?What do you want? What is it??

?It’s your hair, We want your hair. Give us your hair or both your mother and you will die.?

Lily took some scissors and she cut a strand of her hair off,

?Well, that won’t be enough. We need five strands at least,? explained Elvis.

?No, tell me what this is for before I squish you into bits.? Demanded Lily,

?Okay, alright. Now listen carefully little girl. Today your mom made some soup out of new plants in her garden and the plants were a kind of toxic herbs. Your hair can cure these kinds of things if you mix your hair with coconut powder it will turn into a kind of drink that your mom and some of our elves need. So, if you want to help cure your mom and our elves we need 5 hair strands from you now.? Elvis said in a hurry

Lily thought for a moment then decided to help. Elvis ran to go and get his spell book almost getting crushed by Lily’s mom.

?Lily, you better be sleeping right now and if you aren?t you getting grounded.?

?OK MOM!!? Said Lily when Elvis came back into the room Lily said, ?Now look what you’ve done.?

Elvis rolled his eyes ?Come on, now we ought to be going.?

Lily took out her scissors and closed her eyes tight.

?I hope he isn?t faking.? Lily said to herself.

Lily snipped five hair strands and Elvis brought out the coconut powder.

?So, umm can you do your magic now?? Asked Lily

Elvis looked lost.

?So, can you?? Lily asked impatiently this time.

?Oh, oh yes of course, of course.?

Elvis stirred up the potion of healing and he poured it into a bowl. The hair strands and coconut powder now looked like water.

?Ok, now it?s ready. In the morning, give this to your mom and wait five minutes if it works then, good. But, if it doesn’t then, come back to me we can try again.? Explained Elvis. He sounded serious.

There was a little pause then Lily said ?ok.?

The next morning in breakfast Lily gave her mom the potion her mom said it tastes like coconut juice in the next five minutes which seemed like forever Lily noticed that her mom had changed she had become more cheerful, so Lily assumed that they potion had worked. At 11:11 Lily made a wish, and the wish was that Elvis? elves were feeling better and that she had nothing to worry about.