The Demons Disguise

The Demons Disguise
By Kuya K
Art by Kuya K and Nantes T
Fall 2020 Fourth Grade
One day, demons escaped from the dark world and entered our world. They kept coming and killing people. My family and I were forced to live in a wall to hide from them. Away from the outside world. The wall was being enchanted by the priests to guard the demons out. But it didn’t work. The priests’ powers were not strong enough for the monstrosities.
Humanity had only one way to live. To fight.
Humanity had special forces called Holy Soldiers. They were designed for killing demons. For this task alone. Their weapons carried holy water. Their suit was made of leather. They had double swords. They wore a symbol of a horse.
The demons were about 15 meters tall with red, sharp teeth, and hard claws. They had the strength abilities of a superhuman. They could regenerate a blow of head in a second. They only had one weak spot?their horns. They were soft and if you just touch them it could knock a demon down with ease. If you cut the horns, you kill them.
The rumors say that demons have not attacked us in 100 years. That feeling got me scared. I knew that the demons were hungry and ready to attack. The demons don?t feed on other animals, only humans. They eat us.
One day the demons attacked. Killing everyone in the first wall. Everyone was evacuated into the second wall by boat. Many people died including my friends. I wanted to get revenge. I’ll drive every single one of them out of this world. My only interest was to slaughter all of the demons.
The nights were cold. I could not survive outside. The winter was like antarctica. I would have to find a place somewhere before I die. The people on the outer walls were treated like trash. This was because there was not enough food, so we have to dig through the trash for food. Due to not enough food, many people died.
The soldiers get special treatment because they are soldiers. I would join the cause to slay the demons. The knight tests – if you pass you are permitted to become a soldier. We were trained in sword fighting and how to kill demons.
The Demons Attack
- The demons appeared. One was big enough to look over the wall and destroy it. I wasn’t done with my test but now I was a fully permitted soldier. I found the demon that killed my friend. I slaughtered it. Another one leapt at me and I killed it. I was covered in demon blood. I never thought it would be this horrifying. I saw my teammates get killed right in front of me. Stomachs slashed and insides eaten. I couldn’t do anything. A demon struck me. I knew I was doomed. I felt something wet. It was red. Then I saw red sharp teeth. I was inside a demon’s mouth. It was hot like lava. I was going down the esophagus of a demon. I reached the stomach.
The Stomach of Acid.
I was in the stomach. It was even hotter than the esophagus. I found another human corpse slowly rotting away. I was fueled with anger. I started to look for openings. Then I found it. The heart of the demon. I climbed to it and it was as big as I was. It smelled like a sewer. I took a bite and another one. It was delicious. Before I knew I already ate the whole thing. I saw tentacles grabbing at me knocking me out.
I later woke up but I was fifteen meters off the ground. I saw my allies looking in horror as they watched their friends get consumed by demons. I saw another demon rushing at them then with my full force I went up and punched the surprised demon right on its head. The head of the demon blew off which counted as having the horns detached. I just realized that I was as tall as the demon. I looked at my hands and feet. I have demon hands and feet. I realized that I had become a demon myself. I was horrified but then shook off the feeling.
If I was to become a demon, then I could fight demons with demon strength and size. I ran and saw other demons. I grabbed a large piece of metal which I used as a weapon and started knocking demons? heads off.
The demons realized that I was attacking them and demons began rushing at me. I grabbed a tree and then spun around knocking their heads off one by one. I grew in strength and energy with every demon I killed. When all the demons were gone, I reverted to my regular size.
The commander was looking at me scared and worried. He then raised his hand and ordered his men to shoot. The cannons fired. In the moment of desperation, I ran but was too scared. I turned into a demon again and deflected the cannon balls. The commander was going to fire again but the general stopped him. The general then told me to turn into a demon and cover the wall. I turned into a demon then I grabbed the rock and threw it into the hole covering the hole. It was finished. Humanity has won.