The day had come

The day had come
By Paxton B
6th Grade Summer 2023

The day had come. I stood in our small living room, surrounded by bags and boxes, feeling a jumble of emotions. Leaving my family behind was hard like a piece of my heart was being ripped away. I hugged my mom tightly, tears streaming down both our faces. My dog clung to my leg, his tiny paws gripping onto me like he never wanted to let go. I could hear my dad’s voice cracking as he wished me luck on this new adventure.

As we drove to the boarding school, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Thoughts raced through my mind like a rollercoaster. What would my new school be like? Would I make friends? What if I didn’t fit in? Those worries twisted my stomach into knots.

When we arrived, the school looked big and intimidating. My heart pumping as we drove through the gates, joining the large group of students and parents. The air filled with excitement. I felt like a small fish in a large pond. I held my backpack tightly, trying to blend in, but my fear of standing out scared me.

As we explored the campus, I met other kids who were also starting their new journey. Some seemed cool and confident, but others seemed scared and as nervous as me. It made me feel a little better knowing that I wasn’t the only one feeling unsure. Still, the fear of not fitting was there.

When I entered my dorm room, it hit me. This would be the place where I would spend most of my timeā€¦ somewhere I could call home. The room felt empty and strange like I was in someone else’s space. I unpacked my things and tried to make it feel cozy, but it still felt strange. I missed the comfort and familiarity of my own room, my own bed.

The first few days at school were a jumble. Meeting new classmates, navigating the hallways, and trying to find my place. Lunchtimes were especially nerve-wracking. The cafeteria was loud and crowded, and finding a seat was like finding a needle in a haystack. I tried not to let it show, but deep down, I worried about being alone.

Slowly but surely, things started to change. I joined clubs and activities, trying to find my spark. I discovered my love for martial arts and joined the judo club. It was there that I found others who shared my passion and accepted me for who I was. The fear of not fitting in began to fade as I made friends who liked me for me.

Of course, I still missed my family like crazy. I missed the familiar hugs and the sound of their laughter. But I also knew that this experience was helping me grow. I was becoming more independent, learning to explore things on my own.

Leaving my family was tough, but it taught me that I could face new challenges head on. It taught me the Importance of being brave and confident. Boarding school may be scary at first, but it became a place where I discovered my strengths and grew into the person that I am today.