Kuya K

The Cursed House

By Kuya K

Spring 2020 ? 3rd Grade

Two thousand years ago someone called a Mage to protect his mansion from the violent armies that regularly attacked. The Mage put a spell on the mansion, and it survived many wars because it was protected.

After all this time, the mansion still stands. The Smiths’ family received the mansion when the owner died 2 years ago. The Smith family could buy it for $30,000,000, but they got it free. They were surprised because the mansion was too big for the three people in the Smiths family. Edward Smith was the father, Mary Smith was the mother, and Marigold Smith was their daughter.

They moved into the house. They immediately saw a chandelier hanging high on the ceiling. A spinning staircase that led up to 6 master bedrooms and 14 bathrooms. The walls were white with golden yellow stripes. Each bedroom had their own private bathroom and closet. The house also has its own ballroom, library, a small theater, and a colossal sized swimming pool. There was a large garden maze in the backyard. There is a porch with two old rocking chairs in the front of the master bedroom.

The Smiths felt lucky to get a beautiful mansion like this one except for Mary Smith. She didn?t know how to keep the mansion clean. Edward Smith told his wife that they will hire maids. Mary Smith immediately agreed with their choice.

After moving into the home, they cleaned up and went to their own master bedrooms for their first night in their new mansion. Marigold got her own bedroom. Her parents were in another bedroom. While Marigold slept, her parents were watching TV. Then Marigold heard a little laugh.

?Hello there, little girl,? a voice came creeping quietly from the ceiling above Marigold?s room.

Marigold?s eyes popped open in fright. ?Who?s there??

?We live here,? the voice from the ceiling responded.

?No, you don?t. We live here!?? exclaimed Marigold.?

?We were here before you moved in, and we want you out!? said the voice from the ceiling.

?Someone gave it to us, so it?s ours!?? shouted Marigold.

?If you do not leave by the morning, you will not be alive to have breakfast.? then the voice disappeared.

Marigold rushed out of her room screaming – ?We need to move out!!!?? She ran down the hall and pounded on her parents? room. Her parents opened their bedroom door after hearing Marigold?s scream and door pounding.

??Why??? Her parents responded.

?There is a talking ceiling in my room!?? She said

?What are you talking about? A talking ceiling?? her parents asked confused.

?There is actually a talking ceiling that said he would kill us if we didn?t move by morning!?? Marigold responded.

?Oh! That is a protective spirit. We come from a family of Mages. Our family put a curse on the home to protect it from invaders. We need to show them that the house belongs to us and that we are not invaders,? explained her parents.

She went back into her room.? She had her family necklace that had been passed down for over 80 generations. She showed the ceiling and the ceiling spirits were surprised. They floated down from the ceiling wearing their old clothes. They call Marigold family. They smiled and let the Smiths stay.