The Cabin

The Cabin
By Proud P and Kuya K
Winter 2021 Fifth Grade
One day my mom asked me to go pick some berries like usual and so I did, but this time there was something weird. I started hearing noises coming from behind the old cabin so obviously I went to check it out. When I got to the cabin, I realized that the sound was coming from inside the cabin. I opened the door slowly to find an old lady singing a creep song. “Hello,” she said creepily.
“Uhhhhh….. Hi” I said cautiously
“Come in, come in. Do you want some tea my dear?”
“Um, actually,” I started
“Wow I love your hair…” She interrupted, I watched as she stared at my gingery hair as I took a slow step forward.
“Sooooo, what I was going to say was that I need to go pick some berries for my mo-” I was interrupted again, but this time not because of her talking but because the door slammed shut and I heard a lock click.
“You most certainly are NOT going to go ANYWHERE. Got it?” The old woman demanded.
Well, I knew now that I wasn’t leaving. After a few moments the old lady turned to her kitchen to make more tea and she again sang her creepy song. I was so curious as to why she wanted me to stay here but my thoughts drifted away as I smelt something DELICIOUS. “What’s your name dear?” she asked me.
“Its Rose, ma’am” I said
“Hmm, Rose.. Rose, why do I know that name,” she said it like it wasn’t really a question so I didn’t say anything.
The old lady handed me a cup of tea and she made me feel like there was no such thing as time. About two hours later the old lady said, “well you should really get going now. It’s getting late and your mother must be very worried. Please feel free to come back anytime though.”
I thought this was very weird but I went home anyway. OH NO! I FORGOT THE BERRIES!! I thought, but when I turned around, the cabin was gone.
Kuya Continues Story:
As I glanced back into the dark shaky forest, a shiver went down my spine. The old lady appeared before me. She whispered to me, “Don’t be afraid dear, you’ll be alright.”
I gasped and violently screamed while aimlessly flinging my arms and legs. The old lady was struck by my violent assault. She fell on the dark muddy forest floor of her used to be cozy wooden home, and vanished once more. But this time I felt warm liquid running down my shirt, I gazed down to my shirt only to be horrified by what I saw. That warm liquid was blood, MY BLOOD! And covered my blood was that old hag’s hand.
She looked up at me and licked my blood off her fingernails. I dropped down to the ground, already realizing my fate. I was going to be killed, my lifeless inanimate body would be stuck on the forest floor forever and there was nothing I could do about it. As I was ready to gaze deeper into the abyss of hell, I heard a familiar faint voice with a tired breath. It screamed, “DAMN YOU, YOU’RE A GODDAMN MONSTER.”
As I shot my eyes up, the blinding light of the sun blinded me before darkness arose. It was Ken, my childhood friend. He entered the forest with me but he had got lost and while wandering around, by miracle he found my almost lifeless body nearing death.
He was holding a dirty old shovel that his grandfather passed down to him. He lifted the shovel high in the air. He soundlessly creeped up behind the old lady and smashed her with his old shovel. And with a clank, the smoke started to clear but even though I couldn’t see anything I could determine the victor right then and there.
As shards of the old shovel dashed through the air, Ken was astonished. The old woman had just broken a shovel with her bare arms. As a frightened Ken stepped back. He inquired about the lady’s abnormal strength. “T-that’s impossible,” said Ken, shaking under his clothes.
“Try saying something if you’re DEAD!” responded the old lady.
Ken could just smell the bloodlust in the air as the old lady leaped at him. And at that moment, that crucial moment, Ken heard something. It sounded like a familiar voice, “Ken, you must take control of the situation.
DO NOT LET ANYONE STAND IN THE WAY OF YOUR GOALS!” shouted the familiar voice.
Ken remembered, he remembered how to get power over the oppressor. Counter their strike. Suddenly Ken leaped into the air and tackled the old lady down to the ground as he jabbed her in the eyes. Ken was ripping the witch’s flesh he heard her screams of terror and pain. And when he finished the job, he looked as if he just beheaded a cow. But it wasn’t over, a dark figure leaped forward, taking Ken, and vanishing into thin air