The Attack of the Druids
By Tun T
2nd Grade Summer 2021

Plot: Long ago, in the land of Kumandra, humans and dragons lived together in harmony. However, 500 years ago when sinister monsters known as the Druid threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity and one dragon tribe remained. Now, 500 years later, those same monsters have returned, and it’s up to a lone tribe to track down the last dragon, Draco, and stop the Druid for good.

Kumandra was in terrible danger. Everyone had to leave Kumandra very quickly but the planes were out of fuel and there was no fuel left. Fortunately, the hot air balloons were ready. The whole population rose in their hot air balloons, and moved to safety where the land was unoccupied.

The people found an open space near the canyons. They settled down to land at the open spot. The villagers began construction. Thwack! Thwack! Everyone was cutting the wood for construction for the new village!!!! A few days later, the new town was done!

It was time for the grand opening! 3! 2! 1! Boom! Kablam! Oh no! Enemy fighter jets are attacking! Kabam! The city is getting destroyed! It was horrifying! There was no hope until? BOOM! The townspeople made bazookas!

Boom! Bang! Kablam! Bazookas away! The townspeople have launched the bazookas! Some hit but they were losing until? fighter jets were deployed! And also… whoop! There was a FORCE FIELD surrounding the entire city! It allowed the townspeople to attack full power! Blam! Kaboom! The enemy jet fighters were destroyed, and the townspeople were saved!!!!!

Hooray!!!!!!! But there was another problem but the townspeople did not seem to notice: A monster that was called the Druid. Everything it touched turned into stone! But the druid had a weakness: water.

The townspeople did not see or notice the Druids. They were everywhere! Luckily the townspeople began a water protection system. But the druids were smart; they dug underground and jumped and scared the whole town! The townspeople are turning to stone!

The Druids were winning! Until?. The dragons came and the dragons fought with all their might, but it still didn?t help one single inch! Everyone had no choice but to run. Every dragon was petrified except one dragon, called Draco the volcanic dragon. He used all his power to make an orb of fire that made a heatwave, killing the Druid but Draco fell asleep for 500 years.

All was not ok. Everyone attacked each other for the power and control of the orb of fire. Everyone formed tribes and broke up in gathered lands and named themselves the parts of Draco, known as Fang, Heart, Spine, Tail, and Talon. Heart ends up holding the power of the heatwave. That resulted in everyone attacking Heart. Unluckily, the orb was broken, and the Druid returned. The tribes claimed a piece of the orb, but many turned to stone.

500 years later, a boy named Flame set out to re-assemble the orb and bring back Draco. Flame went to the towns of Tail, Tribe of Talon, Village of Spine, and the Community of Fang. Flame went to tail for one of the heatwave orbs. At Tail, Flame managed to get the orb and went for the Talon. When Flame got to the orb room it seems like the leader of the tribe of Talon fell for her own trap.

Flame sneaked through the trap and got the orb. He took spine heatwave orb because Talon stole the orb from Spine. Last but not least Fang. Flame made a plan to sneak in when everyone was sleeping and steal the orb. That went well because Flame got the orb and convinced the tribes to be Kumandra again then everyone greeted flame as a hero for bringing back Kumandra again. Then Flame restored the orb and the Druid were gone.