The Adventurous Boat Trip

The Adventurous Boat Trip

By Peak P

Fall 2020

I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean. I was on a speedboat. I was on the boat with my family. I was just riding the boat for fun. Suddenly we saw smoke coming from the engine. I went to see the back of the boat. And I saw the engine was overheating and was about to explode. I decided to splash water on the engine. The engine suddenly stopped overheating and it was back to normal.?

The captain decided to go somewhere to stop to see if the engine was okay. He went to a strange island. We landed on a new island that is not on a map. He was there and there was a huge big volcano that was probably about to erupt. The captain decided to go to a new island but the engine stopped working and he could not fix it.

Suddenly they were at the island and chimpanzees came out and jumped on the family. I tried to get them off but the chimpanzees would just stick on me. If I tried to take them out they would jump back on me.

Suddenly all of the other animals on the island came rushing out of the jungle. The volcano was about to erupt so the animals ran for their lives. They found a boat shop near them but the owner left. They ran to the shop but didn?t see anyone because they ran away from the volcano. So the family just stole the boat and escaped.?

The volcano erupted and all the animals died. The island was covered in red lava. There was so much smoke and a lot of destruction. Then there was an earthquake.?

The family was in the middle of the ocean so they didn?t see the earthquake. But the earthquake made a big wave and pushed the boat back to where they started. The family was safe. And they thought that they would never go on a boat trip ever again.