Switching Spots
By Jenis and Nane
5th Grade Summer 2021

I woke up and I did not know where I was. I only know that I was tied up to a wooden chair. Suddenly a group of children came out of the woods and surrounded me. All of them were dressed in big leaves and were holding gigantic rocks. The children cut the ropes that held me when car lights full of men with guns approached. The children screamed and went back into the woods.

I rushed out of the seat and ran deeper into the woods. The children grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into a hollow tree. The men ran past us and started shooting at anything they saw. The girl that was in the tree with me put her hand on top of my mouth to stop me from shouting.

We climbed up inside the tree and at the very top was a tiny door. I opened the door and ?swoosh? and I was sucked into a jungle room. The other girl followed me through the door and then other children appeared out of different spots in the room.

The room was like a nest made out of leaves and wood. Inside the room was another door that all of the children entered. The door led to a giant cavern filled with many giant rooms.

Nane continues the story:

I didn’t know where I was, all I could see was the big giant rooms that surrounded me. The children did not talk nor did they show emotions.

I walked around only putting a little bit of weight on each foot. I stepped on so as not to make any noise. There were big blue crystals hanging from the ceiling each and every one with its own shape and size. I could smell some very faint smoke coming from one of the doors. The other door I could see very very small feet poking out. And the other one. Which did not have anything coming out.

I stepped one foot in the 3rd room and then the other foot. I could hear the kids walking around in a circle as if they were performing some sort of spiritual ceremony. I turned around to look and all the kids then stared deep into my soul. I could see each of the kids started to turn their heads clockwise. They turned and turned until it was a complete 360?. Their eyes grew bigger and bigger until they were the size of a golf ball. They grew larger and larger than they popped out! blood gushed out everywhere. All 12 of their eyes were now all on the floor with gallons and gallons of blood.

I ran into the 3rd door without looking back I ran and ran but it seemed like i was running in the same spot suddenly the door behind me shut closed and I could see videos and pictures of my childhood playing right in front of my eyes and i could see my mom teaching me how to ride a bike, mom skating with me on the lake during winter. I broke down in tears looking back at what I would have given to be with her now. Then a very special moment popped up. It was mom on her deathbed. She had been fighting cancer for 3 years and she had finally given up. Her last words were ?Darling, everything happens for a reason, I love you and I will never stop. I know you will do the right thing. I will be guiding you through.? Then she kissed me on the forehead and the machine made a long beep.

As it played videos of my mom helping me and teaching me I sat on the floor and took a long deep breath. I layed down looking up into the ceiling.

Jenis continues the story:

I got up, closed my eyes, and screamed. When I opened my eyes, I saw my mom standing in front of me. I reached my hand out to touch her hand, but all I felt was nothing. My hand went right through her body. I wasn?t sure what was going on.

My mother looked at me in my eyes and spoke. She said, ?I?m not really here? I am you. I?m part of you. You have to get out of there.? A strong gust of air ran inside of me and my mother disappeared. I heard the door behind me open and there stood the little girl who got me here in the first place.

The girl rushes towards me and starts inspecting my entire body. She sticks her fingers in my ears, nose and mouth. Then she got real close and started to look into my eyes and mouth. She ran out of the room and instantly came back with water, chili, coffee, oranges, and a big jar of mayonnaise. She started pouring the water, chili, coffee and oranges into the jar. She shook it up and some type of rainbow mixture was inside. Then she poured it down my mouth. I was expecting it to taste horrible and disgusting but it actually tasted like a strawberry milkshake.

After drinking the mixture, I started getting dizzy and then everything went black. I tried to open my eyes, but it won?t let me. Suddenly I felt like I was being sucked into a tornado. When I opened my eyes, I was looking at a ceiling, when I turned my head around I saw my mom. She got up and started running. I tried to run after her but I was connected to the drip chamber with a needle in my arm. I turned around to look at my heartbeats and I suddenly realized that I was dead.

Author: Jenis and Nane
Title: Switching Spots
5th Grade Summer 2021

A girl got captured by children and brought up to their camp. Weird things happened in the camp. She wakes up at the hospital and she somehow dies in the past.