Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time
Paxton B
6th Grade Summer 2023

Once upon a time, a boy called Oliver lived in the middle of nowhere. He always admired his grandfather, John, a wise and gentle old man who seemed to carry a lifetime of stories within him. One sunny afternoon, they sat on the porch swing. Henry turned to Oliver. He wanted to tell Oliver something.

“Oliver, there’s something I’ve been keeping from you for far too long,” John said, his voice sounding excited and worried at the same time.

“When I was your age, I wasn’t the man you see now,” Henry began, his voice filled with joy.” In my youth, I had a secret life that no one knew about.”

Oliver’s eyes were full of confusion, and he listened carefully as John began to unfold his tale. Henry explained during his teenage years that he became a skilled hitman, going by the name “John the Ripper”. He had completed numerous hits and started to gain a better reputation.

As the story unfolded, Oliver’s mind filled with fear and disbelief. The quiet grandfather that he thought he knew all about was somebody different. He now knows that he’d been a brave and determined hitman. He couldn’t imagine the other version of his grandfather that he’s never met.

With a light smile, John continued, recounting his hits and shady clients, the thrill of murder, and the lessons he learned with his secret passion. He shared stories of discipline, bravery, and the importance of following your dream, even when they seem impossible.

Oliver’s admiration for his grandfather grew with each word, and he got inspired. He realized that the man he loved and respected had been a daring young soul, unafraid to chase his dreams.

Eager to experience a taste of his grandfather’s secret life, Oliver asked if he could learn how to kill. Henry’s eyes are full of pride and enthusiasm. He agreed to pass on his knowledge, teaching Oliver how to kill anything and anyone, teaching Oliver the same values that had guided him in his youth.

As Oliver developed his hitmaking skills, he also developed a newfound confidence and bravery. The lessons he learned from his grandfather extended beyond the streets, shaping him into a determined and driven person. Together, they discover the true power of a secret lie is what hides it.

Years later, Oliver, now a successful hitman, stood in a dark alley. Oliver was tasked to kill Lebron James, as he made his way to LeBron’s house. He was feeling adrenaline rushing through his veins. Oliver rang on Lebron’s door. He opened the door. Oliver was standing there patiently waiting, his gun raised up in the air. As Lebron opened the door Oliver was ready. There Oliver shot LeBron’s head off, his family running to the door. Oliver is already gone.