By: Jenis S
Grade 3 ??Spring 2019
One day there was a happy old farmer who owned a chicken. The chicken was named Betsy. Betsy was a happy chicken who loved to adventure around.
One evening the farmer brought Betsy to the market. When the farmer was getting his eggs, Betsy ran away. Betsy went all over the place. She went to the fruit store, the vegetable store and the beef store. Then suddenly a man grabbed her and ran away.
One hour later, Betsy found herself in a cave far, far away from home. There she met a wizard who turned her into a human. Then she was named Alexa.
Once she set off to her new journey away from home, she realized that the only way she will survive would be if she had money and a place to live. Soon she left to find a job in the city. There she found a job of selling Unicorns.
Soon enough the shop was crowded with kids. Alexa knew that she could make a fortune out of this. She soon found places to make other stores for her company. In a small period of time, Alexa was a millionaire. Everybody was excited to see Alexa improve every single day. Now, she is wealthy and healthy.