Mystery of the Murder

By: Kuya

Fourth Grade Winter 2020

One day Max was walking down a road. Unprotected and alone. He was walking down a dark alley with no people to witness what was going to happen to him that night. Max was always a very happy person but what happened to him was absolutely miserable. His footsteps weren?t quiet. Anyone could sense he was there. It became quiet. A knife sat on his back. A black figure behind him. Standing in the dark. His shirt was covered in blood. Max was lying on the ground. He looked up and his final words were, ?who are you.??

Then he lied on the ground. He was killed. His body was found 3 weeks later. His remaining blood was already dry. No evidence of who did it. Doctors were trying to find his DNA after the murderer took out all his organs and almost took out all his blood. They identified him as Max Andrews. High school student at Public high school.? Age 17. The time of death was 1934 England. It was broadcasted in the radios. That a murderer was on the loose.

The radio also said that there was a hired detective on the case named Grain.


The next murder was very unsuspected. A party was held in the name of a wealthy person. Chandeliers hung from the roof and there was premium wine. Security guards standing at the doors. It would amaze anyone who saw it. There was steak that cost 50k pounds. Suddenly a window shattered. The security gazed up at the height sky trying to have a glimpse of what was up there. A shadowy figure looked down on them, ?we got sights on him,?? they said.

And in a second they were laying on the ground. The people screamed for help but nobody came. 1 by 1 they were killed. The police came because of the noise but they saw nothing. Then the same shadowy figure appeared to kill the policemen. Then the shadowy figure disappeared into the darkness.

The scientists investigated the scene and saw darts instead of bullets. The darts left no blood to be spilled. In turns out the darts were injected with deadly poison. The poison could kill anyone within 1 second. The scientists were unsure how the murderer got that kind of secret poison.

Everyone was already panicking, and the government tried to keep the massacre of the London police department a secret, but word got out. Now more people were dying and of course the best detective in the world came to aid London. No one had ever seen him. All records of his face had been deleted. His past was deleted. His birth records were deleted. He had been helping with the detective foundation for 10 years. He decided to become a detective when he found his dad?s missing car keys at the age of 9. No one knows anything about him except that he is the best detective in the world.

He starts with the case. He asks for all photos and videos. ?All the information is evidence.? He said.

He was struggling with the case and asked the Prime Minister to help the country by avoiding public places and to throw big parties. Many people disagreed but with the Prime Ministers command they had no choice. All parties thrown at the risk of being dangerous were highly secured. The prime minister’s place was now more heavily guarded than ever. The streets were full of guards taking the task of guarding the streets. Then the detective had an idea. He gathered a large group into a party to lure the murderer.

December 5, 1934

The party was held at the unsuspecting house of the host. A window broke then someone collapsed, the security didn?t see anything, so they checked the roof. Nothing. The nearby building had nothing. Then they checked the prime minister’s place which was right next door. There sat the prime minister. A bullet in his chest. What the guards didn?t do was what caused the prime minister?s death. They were so rushed that they didn?t check the elevator. The murderer was hiding in there with the sniper. He shot a guest to make it seem like he was there but then he shot the minister while they were distracted.

After the massacre, the detective was out of ideas. He should?ve given up. He sat in his dark room, in his dark house and inside a remote island. All his strategies failed. He was miserable. He swore that he would find the killer but then how could he. The murderer was too good at planning ahead. He decided to go out to get fresh air. In his remote island no one could bother him. He was lonely but he wasn?t a social person. Ever since he was a child he didn?t talk to people. He might be very rich but his parents are dead. Everyone he knows well is dead. He might be the best detective but the only thing putting weight on him is being a bit too careful with his identity.

A phone call came. He quickly answered it. The police on the phone said, ?we got a recording.?

?Where.? The detective quickly replied.?

?The police? he said and then the voice faded before he could finish the sentence.

Then a different voice was on the phone.

?Hello detective.? The voice said in a deep voice.

?Who are you.? The detective replied.

?It would be rude to not introduce myself. I am the murderer? The voice said

Then the very same recording played, ?August the 24 1935.? The tape recording said.

?For what.? The detective asked impatiently.

Then the call ended.

April 2, 1935

The days passed by quickly when the murderer has not killed anyone for the last few months. Many people said the murderer stopped killing people because he was going to get caught. But the main detective knew this was false because of the recording. But even the detective doubted that he would come. The detective looked at the sparkly ocean and thought to himself. I swore I would catch this man and I will. At all costs.

August 23, 1935

The detective still hasn?t decided that he would go but he would. He promised he would catch him and he never goes back on his word. He took a ship to London and walked to the town square. By the time he got here it was already dark. It hasn?t struck 12 yet though. To his surprise, many people were still there. Then the clock struck 12. A new day began.

August 24 1935.

A person collapsed. Nobody noticed at first but when they saw it they freaked out. They were running away from the scene. The detective aimed his pistol that had sleeping bullets at the figure on top of a building. The detective fired his bullet. The killer did the same. The 2 bullets collided and fell to the floor. The detective managed to get a second shot but then the killer was reloading his sniper. He used the coat to block the bullet but it just penetrated through. The bullet hit him. The detectives went to check. The killer was wearing a mask and a hat. He was also wearing a coat that had poisonous darts.

They took the killer to death row. The killer was placed in a small cell. With one window high up on the ceiling. The walls were 3 feet thick. The cell door left no openings. Later the killer was identified as Sam. He sat in his cell for many days. It was devastating for him, but it was all part of his plan. He learned that in 15 days they would hold a meeting in the office. He would escape and use the bomb that he bought from a prisoner to blow up the prison.

15 days later.

The office was held at 1:24 pm. A guard peered through his cell and saw Sam sleeping in his bed. Then the meeting began. They started talking for a while and then a vent opened. They looked up and saw a Grenade falling down. They tried to run away but then Sam blocked the doors with chairs and tables. He even removed a metal plate to put on the door. He waited until the bolts untied and then took it. While the guards were in the meeting he screwed it in again. Sam walked out of the prison using a gun from an officer that he had knocked out to get through the fence. He had the button that would explode the bomb. He pressed it. BOOM! The prison burst into flames. No one could get out. Then Sam escaped. And the world never knew. ?But then word got out about the fire. Many people believed Sam was killed in the fire like everyone else but they were wrong. And no one ever knew about Sam?s presence ever again.

10 months later.

The detective revealed his name and caught the murderer. He didn?t know what to do. He did what he wanted already. He went to bed and…died. A bullet was in his neck. He was staying at Cecil hotel. Sam left the gun in the room so everyone thought it was suicide but in reality it was he who had done it. The legendary murderer Sam.