Mysterious Tooth Plant

By Nantes

Fall 2020 Fourth Grade

Hi, if you are reading this story, you would probably be surprised at the end.

My name is Jenim and I have a brother named Josh (annoying little brother).

I was going out to the sea with Josh when our parents called, ?You guys can go scuba diving.?

We rented a sailing boat. We packed our scuba diving materials. Then we took off to the middle of the sea. It took one night to go there. While we were sleeping, I could hear waves crashing and moving the boat. In the morning, we saw that we landed on an island.


Jenim saw that the wind took them too far away from where they were supposed to be. She tried calling her parents, but there was no wifi. Then, a giant monkey came and said ?What are you doing on my land, Human??

?We are lost and we are about 129 miles from our land,? said Jenim, and she realized she was talking to a monkey!

Josh stared at his sister and suddenly kicked her. She groaned and said that they were lost. The monkey let them sit on the wooden chairs. Josh and Jenim sat on the chair but stared at the monkey. The monkey spoke to the other monkeys and they gave him a leaf.

He said ?Here is something that might help you. You take it out and say what you want.?


Jenim took it out and said she wanted Wifi. She was amazed because inside the leaf was a tooth. She took a picture of the tooth and the monkey was very impressed by himself. He said that the tooth had a history.


The Story of the Tooth Plant

There was once an army monkey who lost a tooth. He buried it and waited for it to give coins and gold, but all came to a sprout. He was surprised because a tooth doesn’t usually grow, but he watered it every day. Until one day, it became a magnificent tree. In spring, the tree would bloom flowers, but when the army monkey looked inside, it was another tooth! The flowers fell and made more tooth plants until the whole island was covered with tooth plants. They all called it the Tooth island. Then the army monkey called the other monkeys to live here. The monkeys ruled the tooth island. They also knew that the tooth would fall in the sea and make more land.

One day, while I held the tooth, I wished for monkey coins. Instead of the tooth in my hands, it became gold. Then I found out that the tooth can grant wishes! I was very proud of myself.

?That is the story?, the monkey continued. Josh and Jenim gasped after he said ?Grant wishes?. He was surprised that the kids didn?t interrupt him.

Jenim had an idea to give a present to the Monkey. She asked for two more teeth. She wished for a phone and wished that it had wifi. She gave her email to the monkey. Then she said that she now needs to go home. She told her parents that she finished scuba diving.

Josh and Jenim went to the middle of the sea and made all of their scuba diving objects wet. They dropped into the water and took out the oxygen from the tank. When their parents were with them, they also hired a boat driver to take them to their peaceful land.