Dumb Story Don’t Take Seriously

Dumb Story Don’t Take Seriously

By Kuya, Keshi, and Kyler

Spring 2021

Kuya Starts Story….

Once upon a time, there was a tiny country named Bob Land that was ruled by a long line of strong kings. The current king was named Bob the Mighty. King Bob was worried because his son was not fearless. The son got thrown down a mountain and died.

Now, King Bob no longer had an heir to his throne. He set up a child program where he would throw the kids off mountains and the surviving ones would fight to become king. Not surprisingly, no kids survived. So then he conquered other countries to throw their kids off mountains.

Not surprisingly, parents did not like their kids being thrown off mountains. So then King Bob listened and made them fight tigers with a wooden stick instead.

Not surprisingly, children could not fight tigers with wooden sticks and more children died. Then King Bob was stressed out, he didn?t know what to do. Then King Bob made the kids fight in a battle royal to determine who was king. The beginning of King Bob?s Fortnite began. Then one archer thought the surviving kid was a gladiator named Ludo so he shot him in the head.

The gladiator?s brother Leon vowed revenge and attacked the archer with a throwing axe in the head. Kuya won the next battle royal and became king at only age 11. And then Kuya started using aimbot to shoot leon with an arrow in the head.

King Kuya was smart, and he thought that he would not last long if people kept on killing so he decided to ban killing. Then he took over Kylerland and killed Kyler. The people were surprised that King Kuya killed after he banned killing.


Kyler Continues the story?

King Kyler?s son named Prince Wolfox vowed to seek revenge on King Kuya so he used a forbidden jutsu to turn into a red wolf with ten tails. He asked his sister, Asami, to turn into the Avatar. They send a big laser beam holding a message to start a war called the Fortnight civil war.


Keshi continues the story….

Complete darkness aligned with King Kuya?s property as he laughed continuously at the threatening message. Although the threat was authentic, King Kuya sent a message back to annoy Prince Wolfox. Prince Wolfox and Asami wasted none of their time. They immediately cast forward to Kuya?s property, knowing that he?s fatigued.

Their ship accelerated forward, but the strong current flushed them below the Ocean?s surface. As they suffocated slowly, Prince Wolfox abandoned Asami to her death as predators were circling their sunken ship. The surface finally came in favor of Wolfox, and oxygen was inhaled into his lungs. The only adversity faced was that he was stranded in the middle of the ocean and his mind was severely perplexed. Nothing came to his aid and all the colossal sized ships past him without a glance.

Everything seemed abject as he was about to drown himself in the heavily salted water. Abruptly, light shone upon his dreary face. Kuya?s ship was patrolling the sea area and luckily the Captain looked down and saw a ten tailed fox about to suicide. King Kuya allowed the crew to support Wolfox onto Kuya?s ship. Wolfox promptly apologized and begged for the Great King Kuya?s mercy. However, mercy was not in Kuya?s dictionary, it never was. King Kuya was known for his merciless acts and the murders he had committed in his short eleven years of life. The crew were ordered to compulsion Wolfox to the ship?s dungeon.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at King Kuya?s land. Wolfox was thrown to the ground, his head bled all over as he wailed in pain. Kuya laughed and kicked Wolfox in his private part. Wolfox instantly became quiet like a statute, no cells were able to move and cultivate from this intense pain. Signals were sent to his brain to shut down or else Wolfox would experience a terrible fate.


Kuya finishes the story….

Kuya sees Wolfox dead and buries him in a volcano. Then Kuya ruled one third of the entire earth. He is good at battle strategies. He had a 2000 IQ and realized everything could be achieved by hacking the Matrix. He hacked the Matrix and got powers. Then he ruled the whole earth and could shift between dimensions.