By Proud P
Fourth Grade Summer 2021


?Okay kids pack up, your parents will be here any second now,? says the teacher.
On the way home Monica and Anna couldn’t stop talking about the story that their teacher told them about today.
?I don?t think that dragons are even real,? says Anna.
?I do though,? Monica replied.



?OK, OK,? shouts Monica.

Monica and Anna have been friends since kindergarten, now they are 17 years old. When they arrive at school they notice something different, not a lot of cars and/or bikes were parked. Monica said, ?hmmm, why aren’t there any cars today??

?I don?t know,? answers Anna.

But when they got into the school, it was even more weird. There were only two other students and four teachers. When Anna got to science class she saw a green stain on the teachers desk and she asked her lab partner Allison why there were stains, Allison was gone. Anna ran out of the lab and found Monica at her locker.

?Monica? We need to get out of here.? At this point Anna was panicking so hard.

?Huh?? replies Monica ?What do you mean??

?I?m saying that we need to get out of here, didn’t you see the green stains too?? Explains Anna.

?What green stains??

?Whatever, we don’t have time for this.?

Anna runs out to the parking lot, Monica out of breath said.

?Hey slow down would ya? I’m not on the track team like you.?

They run to the store next to the school.

?E-ever-y o-one i-is g-g-gone.? Says Anna as her voice starts to crack and tears start to fall.

?What do you mean??

Anna grabs food and water before Monica could say anything else, Anna starts walking out of the shop when she turns around and sees Monica stuck in green stains.

?These are the green stains I was talking about.? Says Anna trying to get Monica unstuck.

A few minutes later they went to the town square when they saw a figure in the sky, it looked like a plane but its wings flapped,

?I?m hoping this is a unicorn and not a dragon?? Monica says unsurely.

?Hehe, but the thing is, why would they come here?? Says Anna.

They were very scared and worried until they saw one of their friends Jacob hiding behind a bush,

?Psst,? says Jacob.

Anna and Monica look over to see Jacob covered in mud.

?Are you guys looking for what made this mess also?? Asks Jacob,

?Yup, and we already found it!? Says Anna.

Jacob gasps, ?what is it?? He asks suspiciously,

?Come,? says Monica.

They run towards the town square, the shadow was still there but it paused next to the statue,

?What do you think it will do?? Jacob asks Monica and Anna.

Nobody answered, it was all quiet until they heard a roar.

?AHHHHHHH? screams Anna, Monica and Jacob.

Jacob started running away ?save yourselves? he yells, but that only made things worse for him, the dragon started following Jacob, the green slime got on him and it slowly sank into his skin and in a few seconds he was gone. Anna and Monica look at each other with worried faces and say.

?I don’t wanna die!?

They pace back and forth.

?I’m so confused, how could this happen? Dragons aren’t even real!? says Anna.

?Look!? says Monica ?Behind the statue, there’s a note you see??

?Yeah! C?mon read it!!? Says Anna.

?Okay, first clue look up!? Monica reads.

They both look up.

?It’s a sky castle, that wasn’t there before.? Monica said with a confused look.

They climb up some rocks and get to the front of the castle.

?We better hurry to get inside the dragons coming!? said Anna.

When they got inside, they saw statues of the people that got slimed, they looked around and got really scared.

?Anna?? Monica says, ?If this is the last day of our life. I just wanted to tell you that I stole your doll when we were younger.?

?YOU WHAT?!? Anna asked, then covered her mouth because the dragon might hear. They sneaked past all the creepy statues and saw an orb on a big throne. It was a blue glowing ball that looked like the moon. Anna and Monica heard huge footsteps coming towards them and quickly hid behind the throne. Anna shakes and bites her mouth.

?Look Monica there is a portal behind the throne, maybe we should go through it. It looks like the one we saw in the stories and if it were like in the story then that would be the thing that saves us!? says Anna.

?But do you really want to risk our lives?? asks Monica.

?I mean if we don’t and just stay here the dragon will just find us and slime us like the rest, I think we should go.?

Monica shudders ?I’m scared to even think about that but I mean if we save everyone then we will be the heroes!! And i would want that after I got an F from my homework mom wont be mad at me then,? Monica pauses for a second and then says ?Fine lets go it! But wait,? says Monica.
?What about our Parents?? asks Anna.
?Worry about them later,? says Monica.

They went through the door and what they saw was unbelievable, a world of dragons but it was divided into four different lands, one for ice dragons, one for wasteland dragons, another one for fire dragons and finally one for sand dragons. Monica looks around slowly.

?Anna, if there is a dragon realm then, why would that dragon come into our world?? Asks Monica.

?I don’t know but, do you remember, legend says that there will be a dragon that?s a mixed breed and we need all of the other dragon gems to make everything go back to normal?? Monica explains.

?Oh yeahh,? says Anna ?But how will we get it? It’s not like we can just waltz in there.?