By Nikki R
Grade 5 ? Spring 2019

It was a hot summer day in the morning, a bright ray of light shined into the kitchen of my house. I was sitting next to my dad at the dinner table talking to him,

?Dad, do you have to go to work??

?Yes, of course, I have to go? replied my dad. I was sitting on the chair next to him. My dad took a bite of his fruity oatmeal and wrinkled his nose,

?Hey Nikki, come over here and try my oatmeal. I think the milk is rotten,? he said, gesturing with his spoon.

?Yes, boss.? I replied I called my dad ?boss? when he made me do something I didn’t want to do. I got up from my chair and walked over to my dad, I took a spoonful of milk from the bowl of oatmeal. I burned a hole through the spoon with my gaze, the milk looked really odd. I took the smallest, tiniest smallest sip of the milk from the spoon? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I instantly ran to the sink and spat out the rotten milk, the sour, salty taste was lingering in my mouth, I gagged ?DADDY!!!!!? ?the milk is definitely rotten? I confirmed, I walked away and shook my head.

?Wait! Before you go, can you try my coffee, just to make sure the milk in that is not rotten too.?

?Ugg dad, not again. The milk in the coffee is probably rotten too.?

?Please, just try the coffee.?

?Fine, ? I replied, frowning, I knew the milk in the coffee was rotten, but my dad was the boss, right? I knew I had to do what he said. I walked over to my dad who was sitting on his chair, his eyes planted on me. I grabbed his cup filled with the dark brown coffee and slowly took a sip and swallowed the disgusting brown, sour, salty coffee. I glared at my dad,

?The milk is rotten,? I said, ?Oh and just so you know I?m also not trying anymore rotten milk.?

?I promise I’m not going to make you try anymore rotten milk? replied my dad. My dad faked a smile. I wish my dad never made me try rotten milk because the sour, salty taste seems like it was trapped in the taste buds, even thinking about it makes me gag. Next time my dad makes try something I know not to do it.