Christmas Ghost

Christmas Ghost
By Diva S.
3rd Grade Fall 2022
There was a sad little boy. His family was poor and he never received a Christmas present.
Until now…
It was Christmas eve and Jacob was cold and hungry. His family was poor and lived in Ice Town. Because it was winter and there were many blizzards and Blizzard [ice cream]. So Jacob could only eat ice cream. After lunch Jacob went to another town called Sweets forever to collect their rugs because their rugs were delicious to eat. Because they were made out of candy! But he ran into a problem. When he got into the shop.
The store owner said “ Young lad, If you don’t have any sweets to give me. Then you have no choice but to go home.”
Jacob got out of the shop and began to cry. Then suddenly a chill ran over his spine…
“Hello!” Said an airy and whispery voice.
“ Who are you?” asked Jacob.
“Promise me you won’t scream?” said the voice.
“Okay,” said Jacob.
“So I am a ghost girl,” said the ghost.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed Jacob. He was scared of ghosts.
“You promised me you won’t scream!” said the ghost
“My mom told me that ghosts are not real but you are real! Why are you here?”
“Because I can eat sweets all day without getting caught!” said the ghost”
“I don’t have any sweets. I only have ice cream. What is your name?”
“My name is Banana” said the ghost
“Ha! Ha! Your name is Banana. What a funny name!”
“Well what’s your name?”
“I have a normal name. My name is Jacob.”
“Ha! Ha! Back when I was still a girl I never met someone named Jacob!”
“How old are you Banana?”
“You are so old. I think you are older than my grandmother!”
“Well how old are you?”
“I am 10 years old but can you help me? I am cold and hungry. My family is also cold and hungry.”
“Fine, so what do you want?”
“I am so hungry. Can you give me some food for me and my family?”
“Okay. That’s an easy wish.” She closed her eyes and mumbled some words then food appeared. “Now you must do something for me.”
“Ok. So what do you want me to do?”
“I want you to find out how I died.”
“I am still on earth because I don’t know how I died.”
That night Jacob sneaked into the sheriff’s office for some files about people who died 550 years ago. He found out that a little girl fell down a wishing well and her bones were discovered 550 years later. He told the girl and she went to heaven.