Boy Who Sings

By Ludo G.

4th Grade Winter 2020

There was a weird and wonderful boy who loved to sing Chinese songs. One day while he was walking in the street, he sang this song, ?Ching cheng hanji can?t touch me at all in the kitchen? in the dungeon??

People who heard him sing smiled and started to sing along with him? ?Ching cheng hanji can?t touch me at all in the kitchen in the dungeon??

Suddenly more people followed the boy and then soon the whole street started to sing along with him… ?Ching cheng hanji can?t touch me at all in the kitchen? in the dungeon??

Everyone was happily walking and singing with the weird and wonderful boy then the city started singing along with him… ?Ching cheng hanji can?t touch me at all in the kitchen? in the dungeon?

Even criminals started singing from their cells. They poked their heads outside the bars of their cells and started to sing? ?Ching chang hanji can’t touch me at all kitchen in the dungeon I swear to god to bang paul fool I not touching you mama dont love me at all I swear to god to bang paul.?Later the criminals yelled, ?Please let us out, we want to sing and dance with you and we will promise not to do anything bad!?

The parade continued throughout the city until it reached the park when they saw a little boy sitting on a park bench crying and not singing. He was alone. He couldn’t find his parents since they were in the crowd.

The weird and wonderful boy decided to help the kid and tell the crowd to stop singing. After the silence, the singing boy talked to the sad bench boy and said, ?What happened??

?I was playing in the playground then everyone started singing including my parents. Then my parents walked off into the crowd and I can?t find them anymore,? said the bench boy.

The singing boy then yelled to the crowd, ?If this is your son, come to the front.?

The boy?s parents came to the front and the boy ran up to them and hugged his parents. Then his parents said, ?Come on son. This is fun!? then the boy nodded his head and everyone cheered and started singing again.

?Ching cheng hanji can?t touch me at all in the kitchen in the dungeon? ?the parents found their boy and everyone was happy.