Boy and Girl

By Ludo, Leon, and Kuya

Fourth Grade Summer 2021

One day a thirteen year old boy was walking around the streets of snowy Canada with his scarf. He brought a little candy bar so he could have it for a break if he wanted to sit down at a bench. Suddenly a strong gust of wind hit him and then there was a bunch of snow following him. He then realized that he was stuck in a blizzard. The boy couldn?t see anything. He then fell over because of the strong currents of snow pushing him around.

A girl saw him fall down so the girl ran out of the house into the snow to help. She dug through the snow and pulled him out. She took him to safety for some hot cocoa.

Leon continues story

They were staring at each other’s eyes. The boy said, ?Your eyes look really pretty.?

The girl said, ?Your eyes are pretty too.? Then they got closer and closer then the girl?s mother came home and asked, ?Who is this??

The girl said, ?I helped him come here because he fell and got stuck in a snow blizzard.?

Ludo continues story

So then the mother just sat there watching TV and then asked the boy, ?Where are you from? Where do you live?? and then the boy replied, ?around two or three blocks away it’s not that far.?

The boy wanted to go home so they went outside but then saw that the heavy blizzard was still going on so they went back inside but luckily the boy had his phone with him so he called his mom to alert her that he won’t be back home for a few hours and then hang up

The girl looked at the boy and took his hand. She told him that he could stay and have dinner with her family. Everybody sat down at the dinner table. She brought out roast turkey for dinner and then set it on the table along with mashed potatoes and gravy. So then they ate!

Leon continues story

The lights suddenly went out. Someone that was shining walked in the house. When the shining dude saw the boy, he dragged the boy with tornado hands.?You will come with me.? the shining dude said. The boy just teleported faster than the speed of light. We chose you to be the blizzard man.

The girl and her family hid under the table. She said, ?Where did my boyfriend go??

Kuya continues story

The shining dude turned out to be Geo. He was here to remind the boy about his quest that he came here for. Then the boy came back fully reminded about his quest and for the first time ever the girl asked for the boy?s name. He told her it was Sora. Then he asked the girl for her name. She said that it was FE-114 OR 114. 114 and Sora shared drinks and waited till the storm stopped.

Sora went home. He was horrified by what he saw. His whole family lay dead on the ground. As the killer stood beside them. A masked man in a white shirt and a knife rushed him. He dodged the first few attacks but the final attack was about to land 114 stood in front of him taking the blow. Then with her final breath, she told Sora her real name, Uta. Tears filled Sora?s eyes as he swore to get revenge. His eyes filled with rage and anger and in a flash of light,

Ludo continues story

The killer was then in shock as Sora pulled out a glock 17 with a full mag locked and loaded. The killer ran away as Sora started to shoot at the killer. After the killer got shot in the leg, the boy reported the killer to the police. And then soon the killer was in court and was sentenced to death row.