Bad Times

By Nane P.

Summer 2020 4th Grade

I have lived with my nana since I was born. Now I am 13. I never knew my mom. My nana told me that my mom got pregnant at a young age and had left me with her. I never thought of having a mom and I never wanted a mom. My nana was enough for me. Nana was 72 and she was still working and providing for me. Nana was a hardworking woman who never gave up on anything.

I was eating dinner until my nana came in and started telling me she wanted me to help her with something. I told her I was eating and that I had to do my homework. She said she was old and needed help collecting crops. I yelled at her and told her to do it herself. I told her that I had other things to do. After I first finished yelling at her, I regretted everything. I stormed to my room and finished eating dinner there.

Later that night when I was just watching Netflix, I heard a loud crashing noise. I rushed outside to see what it was. I saw Grandma laying there on the floor. Since I didn?t know how to drive so I called an ambulance. An ambulance arrived in five minutes and put Nana in the back. I went in the ambulance with her. In the ambulance I started to think what had happened. I started to cry because I knew it was my fault for yelling at her.

The doctors said that Nana had a stroke due to stress. When she fell, she hit her head. She had a concussion and she needed surgery. I knew the surgery would cost a lot of money but the money we had wasn?t enough. I didn?t know where to get the money from. When I got home, I went to bed. The next day I didn?t go to school, but I walked to a cafe down the street. I ask if I could apply for a job. They said that they couldn?t hire me since I was too young. They felt sorry for me. They said I could wash the dishes, but they could not pay me very much. I agreed to work because a little money was still better than nothing.

That whole week I did not go to school. I worked during the day washing dishes and at night I went to the hospital to take care of Nana before her surgery. I couldn?t sleep. I probably only got two hours of sleep every day.

One day I went to school because I needed some rest. I met my friends and told them everything. They told me they had an idea on how I could get money. I quickly asked them how. They told me I could pick pockets and get a lot of money. I was shocked! I wasn?t gonna be a thief. I immediately told them no. I couldn?t focus at school. I kept thinking about the idea of picking pockets. I concluded that I was going to do it. I needed the money for the hospital. I wanted to do anything so Nana could be okay.

After school I went to an alley near our school and looked for my victims. I saw this woman carrying a baby in her hands. I walked near her then I snatched the purse from her. I ran as fast as I could back home.

When I got home I felt terrible but I was excited to see what was in the purse. The purse had 700 dollars!!! I put the 700 dollars in my money box. I decided I was going to keep pickpocketing people. I knew It was bad but it was the fastest way I could make money.

Later the next day after school I went to the same alley way and looked for the best people to pickpocket. I saw a young lady who looked very rich. I ran as fast as I could and snatched her purse but she noticed very quickly and had called the cops. I tried to run away but the cops had come before and the cops put me in handcuffs and put me in the car.

When we got there I was asked many questions then they asked for my name and last name. When I told them my name was Emily Dawson. The women who I had robbed look shocked and asked to talk to the police alone. I was asked to wait outside. I tried to listen through the door but the door was too thick and I couldn’t hear anything. After about 20 minutes I went inside the room again and the police asked me who I lived with and I told them I lived with my grandmother.

The person who called the cops on me took me to the hospital where my Nana stayed. When we got to Nana’s room, Nana looked surprised when she saw the woman. They hugged and Nana said something shocking. She said ?Oh my daughter! You have grown so much. That is when it all hit me. The woman who I had just robbed was my mom!! I was shocked. My new mom told me that she had given birth to me at 17 and she was not ready for a kid, so she gave me to Nana then she finished college and had started her own business and became successful. Now she said we could all live together.

After Nana got her surgery, we all went to my mom?s huge home. Mom was nice but she was not home that often. She was usually partying. But now my life was complete. I had everything I wanted. I had my mom and my grandma.