Animal Adventures????

By Wasu V

Fall 2020? ? ? ? ? ?Fifth Grade

??????????? Most people have had a lot of fun adventures. The adventures I?ve had are really fun. Most are filled with nature and wildlife. As some people know, I love animals. Wild animals in nature. I have had risky and scary experiences with animals and today I will share some of them with you.

The Giant

The sun sank below the horizon and we drove down the mountains of Khao Yai. A big giant shadow appeared from the darkness. Something was swinging from its face. It was a trunk.

?Oh my gosh!? Mom said. ?An elephant!? It was a big giant wild elephant walking slowly towards the car. It was about 8 o’clock and darkness had fallen over Khao Yai. A bunch of cars were stuck in the ?elephant traffic?. Our car was the first one right in front of the elephant. I started to get worried. I?ve heard of stories that furious elephants at Khao Yai had destroyed cars.

?What do I do?!? Dad said with worry. ?Turn off the lights?? Mom started dialing a number. She called the ranger.

?Don?t turn off the lights!? Mom shouted to my dad. ?If you do that, it will panic the elephant and make it angry!?

?Next time say it earlier because I almost did!?

?This is so exciting! There is literally an elephant in front of our car!?

??????????? I shook my head and felt not worried but upset. ?CAN YOU GUYS STOP ARGUING?!? I shouted. ?ALSO, THIS IS NOT EXCITING!?

THis was just one of the adventures. Other adventures are sometimes poisonous like this one you?re about to read. This story is about a snake in the Pre-K / KG quad. ENJOY!

Danger In the quad

??????????? ?Hissssssss?

?A long yellow/brown reptile was slithering across the floor underneath the backpack hooks in front of the Pre-K classroom. It was a scary and poisonous cobra. I stood there. Confused about what to do. My mom was really scared of snakes.

Fun Fact: ISB used to be a swamp. That?s why there are a lot of snakes everywhere.

?SNAKE!? She screamed. ?COBRA!?

?Shouting does not help.? I said to my mom. I was only 4 years old that time. I knew I was no match for a long cobra. All the sudden, the cobra lifted its head up and turned it at me and my mom. All I knew was that it might strike at us like a car would crash into me really fast. We were in DANGER

You?ve not yet read about an adventure in the oceans yet. Here is one about a disastrous time whale watching. ENJOY!

Big Waves

SPLASH! SPLASH! The waves were as giant as an elephant and the boat was nearly flipped. It started to rain. People were complaining and it was the most disastrous time at Had Jao Samran.

It was my first time whale watching and I said to myself, I?m not going to do this again.

?Whale!?? The boat driver shouted. I was not in the mood to whale watch. I felt like 10 hours on the boat except it was just 3 hours. Hundreds of birds were swarming around the boat. I was wondering Are those birds gonna poop on us? ?

Suddenly, the birds formed into a group and speeded to one part of the ocean. SPLASH! A humongous Bruda Whale splashed up from the water. It was a beautiful sight but really, I was not in the mood because I just felt so sea sick.

Arrgh Arrgh Arrgh. I turned around right away to look at what was happening. Yellow disgusting liquid came out of my mom?s friend?s mouth. It was vomit. Eww I thought. I closed my eyes and hoped this would end. I fell sound asleep.

??????????? Obviously, I?ve had way more adventures than this. I chose these ones because they are really strong memories to me and are really potent. I am really happy to see animals in the wild because they are not in captivity and have freedom. Seeing these wild animals make me love animals more and more and continue to want to save captured animals.