Alien Invasion
By Toh T
4th Grade Summer 2021

In New York, it was an ordinary day like no other. This morning, I returned to my apartment and decided to watch some TV. On everyone?s television, on all channels, suddenly a weird show appeared. A spaceship was in the background. An alien was in front, and this show showed up on all of the television sets.

The alien sent a message, saying: ?Today we are invading a random person?s BEDROOM! The unluckiest person will get invaded, or possibly KILLED! We are about to invade in 1 minute straight, so BEWARE!?

All the TVs shut down. I was scared to death! I looked outside, and it seemed that everyone went home to check if their house was invaded, in case anyone died. That made it even scarier.

Just now, I saw a spaceship fly into my room. I never saw something like this in my life. First, I thought it was a remote controlled UFO, but there were no signs of propellers.

It might have come from Mars, which could boost science if it actually did, because scientists are currently looking for signs for life. But I might have to show the alien to the lab.

I think it was the spaceship from the show on the TV. Luckily, it was small. The spaceship landed on the bed. A walkway revealed itself, and gas spewed out. A smaller alien stepped out of the spaceship. It was as big as a hand!

The alien looked mostly like a rabbit and a goblin to me, but it wore a spacesuit, so I thought it came from space. It was as big as a hand!

It said: ?We are here to CONQUER the world!? No wonder it could speak English! Well, that was that, and I can die, and I will have to endure.

I was confused because the alien was small. But I picked the alien up and threw him out the window. I didn?t see the alien for the rest of the day.

But I started to wonder about the aliens, because if I managed to preserve something, I might be famous, and even get rich!

The next day, at noon, a larger spaceship appeared with MORE aliens. It was an army of aliens! They had guns! The lead alien exclaimed: ?WE ARE NOT GIVING UP, YOU PESKY HUMAN!? The aliens attempted to shoot me, which hurt a little. I was annoyed, and decided to teach the aliens a lesson, and shot the aliens with a nerf gun!

The aliens escaped on their spaceships and flew all the way to the neighboring house! They got splat at the wall, then… disappeared within a blink of an eye! I hope they don?t return tomorrow…

The next day, MORE spaceships came in, with really strong guns! A nerf gun was not enough. I had to run out of my bedroom and ran down to the base of my apartment. I quickly yeeted the spaceship into a nearby garbage can, where a stray dog chewed it up.

I was laughing so hard that I got hiccups, and let the dog do his own business while I recorded it to post on social media. I bet everyone will be stunned! Hopefully they will think it?s not fake.

The aliens went on their spaceships and shouted: ?YOU PUNY HUMANS! WE WILL BE BACK!? But I forgot all that, and then went out to play. When I came back, the aliens disappeared without a trace!

Maybe the dog ate the aliens or threw the aliens somewhere else. Looks like I should bring the dog to the lab…

Alien Invasion
By Toh T
4th Grade Summer 2021
Aliens attempt multiple times to invade Earth but they are turned away by a boy. A very imaginative take on an alien story.