Alien Attack ? The G-Twins (Part 1)

Alien Attack ? The G-Twins (Part 1)

By Kuya K

Fall 2020???????? Fourth Grade

I was walking home from school with my friend, Kyler. Suddenly, a bright light showed up in the afternoon sky. Then a disaster happened.

The news said there was a meteor heading to Texas in America but NASA made a mistake. The meteor changed its direction, and it was heading right for Bangkok. I noticed a jet sound that was slowly becoming louder and louder. I looked up. I saw a ball that was on fire in the sky. I rushed out of its way. Kyler did the same but we were too late.

I woke up in the hospital bed. Kyler and I were rushed to the emergency room. The doctors were whispering while rushing me to the medical room. They were saying we might die. They guessed that we were hit by a giant meteor. The doctors might have thought that I would die but I felt just fine. It might be the end of my life as I know it but I felt fine.

I remembered that I saw two crystals before I passed out when the meteor dropped right. There was a red one and a light blue one. I remember being sucked into the light blue one crystal and Kyler was sucked into the red one. We both disappeared into the meteor. I told the doctors I felt fine but they didn?t believe me. When I finally got released from the hospital, I went to Kyler?s house because no one was at home.

I was ten but had to live alone due to an accident. A car crash killed my parents. A truck ran into them while they were walking to a Central Store. I was having a sleepover with Kyler. I usually sleep over with some of my close friends so I don?t have to sleep alone.

We were going to sleep late because it was a Friday. We pretended to have superpowers and pretended to save the world. Then we got hungry and wanted popcorn but the microwave didn?t work! Kyler?s parents weren?t home so we had to figure it out ourselves. Kyler was determined to pop the popcorn then something happened. Flames came bursting through his hands popping the popcorn not leaving one single seed unpopped. We were shocked! Kyler could shoot fire from his hands!

After that moment, Kyler already could use his powers but I couldn?t. When we went to bed, Kyler did not want to sleep so he shot fire at me. I got mad and I hit him with a pillow – feathers flew everywhere. When it was time to sleep I felt a strange feeling in the sky. It seems like Kyler did too. We ignored it but deep down, we sensed that something strange was going to happen.? I had trouble sleeping while Kyler slept like a sloth. The night felt forever. It took me an hour to fall asleep. I had the strange feeling something evil was going to happen so I decided to get up. I changed from my pajamas to regular clothes without waking Kyler up.

I looked outside my window and saw a green light in the sky. As the green light got bigger, something was coming with it. I wanted to ignore it but I couldn’t. ?Descending from the sky, glowing in green, emerged a large G ship. It was going to crash land on Kyler?s house! Kyler?s house rumbled and Kyler woke up.

Kyler used his powers to fight the ship. He sent fire into the sky toward the G ship but it wasn’t enough. The G ship kept on coming down. I felt like his house was a war zone now. His house was destroyed, all burned and not one single bit of furniture was left. Something from the ship emerged. Two large twin aliens in battle armor floated out. One was green and the other one was blue. I called them the G-Twins.

The aliens looked very intimidating to me but not for Kyler. He rushed at them with fire – not leaving one spot of their bodies uncovered in flames. Kyler called this fire god. He was going to do his ultimate attack. Huge flames burst out of his body, burning everything around him. It didn?t burn me or the G-Twins. Kyler looked surprised. Then he did the most powerful attack I had ever seen. He created a sword of lava and every time he swinged the sword lightning struck down at his will. His body turned to electricity moving at the speed of light knocking the Green Twin down.

Kyler then attacked the other one. Kyler did his best to fight the other Blue Twin but he was too strong. He was about to get blasted by a beam of laser light. I ran in thinking I could help him. I closed my eyes then opened them again. I saw a barrier made of ice in front of me. My hands had ice on them, my feet had ice shoes and my eyes glowed light blue.

Blue Twin saw my powers then got afraid. He ran to the ship with his knocked out twin to escape for his life. They got on the ship and then took off. I know they will come back. And I know that they will be prepared for anything.