Alice in Wonderland by Diva S.

Alice in Wonderland
By Diva S.
2nd Grade Spring 2022

Alice was lost then she fell in a hole that took her to a strange place. She saw a bottle that said, “Drink me.” Alice was curious so she drank the bottle and instantly became tiny. She looked and saw a door in front of her but it was locked. So she searched for the key and finally found it one hour later. The problem was that the key was on the big table and she was small.

She saw another bottle so she thought it was the antidote. But instead of making her big it made her blue with polka dots. She started to cry blue tears and the blue went away. Then suddenly, she saw another bottle that said, “Drink me and you get big!” Then she drank the bottle and got big again.

She grabbed the key and finally opened the door. The door swung open and she saw a picture of an ugly queen that was green. The green queen’s head moved and looked at her then said, “I’m gonna chop off your head!!!” The queen’s hand suddenly came out of the picture and grabbed Alice inside.

Alice saw headless people inside the throne room. And the guards were not dead but headless.
Then Alice saw the throne and the queen was sitting on it. The queen looked at Alice and her face suddenly turned black. Even her eyes were black. “ AHHHHH!!!!” Screamed Alice. “ “shush!”Said one of the guards “The queen has spoken” Said another guard.
“ What did she say?” asked Alice. “ I said sit down,” Said the queen. And Alice sat down. Then the queen suddenly said “ SEIZE HER!! ” Then Alice was dragged to the dungeon! The guards then said to Alice “ The only way to escape is to make friends in the dungeon” “ But there are no people here” said Alice “ You could make friends with the animals”And with that the guards left.

“ What am I gonna do now? Said Alice, almost crying, “ I will let you escape if you will be my friend.’ said a tiny voice.