A New Start
By Namo
Grade 4 ? Spring 2019

It was that day that I started my new job. This day would never ever happen again. It was my only chance to shine. I thought I would have had my job forever until this happened…

On the morning of June 25, 2019?.

It was very early in the morning and I got ready… especially early. I was excited for my new job. My mom walked with me out of the house and blew me a good luck kiss. When I was finally free, I ran as fast as I could to my new job as a messenger.

When I arrived at the messenger headquarters, Mr.Bolk, the head messenger, was already waiting at the front desk.

?Well who do we have here?? Mr. Bolk said in his usual low voice.

?Janie Rose,? I said confidently.

?Welcome, please follow Maddie, my assistant. She?ll show you the rules and everything else? He said.

As I followed Maddie, she explained to me all the rules and how to send messages properly. She seemed friendly and trustworthy. I asked her many questions and she didn?t hesitate a bit to answer my questions.

?Do you have any more questions?? she said softly.

?Nope? I exclaimed.

?Then you can start. Your first message is for Erin Grace the librarian. Tell her? she started to whisper in my ear.

?Tuesday 15 July May fleet street,? she said quietly into my ear.

I could barely hear her because she said it really softly. I seriously didn’t understand why she had to whisper but It did seem like she was afraid of Mr. Bolk.

When I arrived at the library I saw Erin, I quickly rushed to her and whispered into her ear what I could remember.

?Erin this is a message from Maddie Lewins, Saturday 13 July Mayfleet street.?

?Ok, thanks,? she whispered.

?Your welcome,? I said In a rush.

When I came back to the headquarters, I saw Maddie sitting at the front desk.

?Hey Janie did you send the message,? Maddie asked.

?Yep, I sure did,? I answered.

?Tuesday 15 July May fleet street, right?? she asked.

That is when I knew my job was over…