A Dark Hallway

by Ludo G

Fall 2019 ? 3rd Grade


One afternoon, a boy named Tyler was in a hallway with his best friend Rico. Suddenly, the power turned shut off. There was nothing except a pitch black hallway. A figure appeared in the distance. They tried to get a closer look but then the figure vanished. They freaked out!

Tyler said, ?Oh no. This is some scary power cut.?

In fear, the two boys continued walking along the dark hallway then Tyler tried to open the doors.

Tyler said ?That?s strange. All the doors are locked. It must be some kind of lock down.?

Rico said ?Then this means we are on our own!??

Tyler said ?yes.?

Then they saw the black figure standing in the hallway again.

?Is that that the figure from earlier?? asked Rico.

?I think so?? said Tyler.

Since last time the shadow vanished, they tried to get a closer look at it. This time they ran to it.

The shadow looked like the manager of the power room.

Rico asked, ?Are you the power manager??

Then the man replied??yes!?

Then Rico said ?Oh! Hi manager.?

?Hi Rico. Hi Tyler? replied the manager.

?What?s wrong with the power?? Tyler asked.

Then the manager answers ?the power went off because there was a malfunction in the power machine.?

?You guys want to help me fix the machine?” asked the manager.

”Sure!? the boys both yelled at the? same time.

“Then come on let’s go!? said the manager.

So, then the two boys followed the manager down the hall into the power room. A little while later, after they were all done fixing the machine, they all went to the manager?s house to play and eat. They talked about how Tyler and Rico felt about them standing and walking around the dark hallway then

The manager said ?I hope that never happens again but if it does I will always call you guys to help me fix it ok??

?Ok.? said the boys.