My Trip To Australia
by Thanawin T
5th Grade Summer 2022

When I woke up, I was excited to go to Australia because it was going to be my first time in Australia. When we arrived at the airport, we went to see my friend. We were going to get on the plane but we had to stop at Phuket first.

My Mom told me my worst nightmare ever. We had to sit on the plane for about 10 hours. I hate being on planes that took more than 3 hours because I would usually have a headache. But luckily, we got to sit in business class. We could make the chairs turn into beds which would help me feel less pain.

When we arrived, I was so happy because we were in Australia! We were in a city called Sydney. It was similar to Bangkok because there were huge buildings, lots of cars, and tons of people. We had to call a van to get to our destination which was a hotel. When we got to the hotel, we quickly got the keys to our room and went straight in to put our luggage inside.

We got to go on an amazing adventure. We went to see battleships, pirate ships, submarines and jet planes. We took a bunch of pictures of the ships and the jets. It was amazing! We were freezing to death because it was winter in Australia. We ran home because we had to cross a very long bridge. When we were finally there, I went straight to take a shower and went to bed.

The next day, I woke up and we had to go to the airport again. We changed cities because each city had its own highlight. We flew to Melbourne. We sat on the plane for 1 hour. We changed cities to MansField. We rented a Bobby clown van but the great part was that my Dad got to drive. We sat in the car for 2 hours. When we were finally there, we rented a house and went to it. I ran in the house and called the largest room. We put our supplies in our rooms and went to bed.

The next day, we had exciting news. We got to go skiing. I was super duper happy because I haven’t skied in a long time. We drove to a mountain called MountBuller. It was the mountain we got to ski on. It was incredible. I went down the hill very fast and didn’t fall too! When it was time to go back. I was sad because I wanted to ski more. We drove down the mountain and went back to the house. We were exhausted so we slept very fast.

When we woke up, we got to go to a zoo. We saw Koalas and Kangaroos and other animals. My favorite ones were the Koalas and Kangaroos. They were my favorite animals. I took a bunch of photos of them.

When we were exploring the zoo, we found a maze. It was so easy that it only took 14 seconds. My friends were very slow. In the maze, I saw animal poop on toilets. They let us guess what animal it was. The poo was fake but it looked very real. I had so much fun at the zoo. I saw some animals I never knew and saw before. When we were done with the zoo, we went home and had a good sleep.

Today we drove to the spot where if you come to Australia, you had to come to take photos there. It was called the Twelve Apostles On the way, a Kangaroo ran past our car. Luckily, we didn’t hit it. It was safe and sound.

When we arrived, the wind was very strong. We ran to the spot. It was the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen. There were rocks, grass, and a giant waterfall. When we were done taking photos and selfies, I saw a machine that had pictures of animals on it. I asked my Dad to buy me one so he did. It was super cool. When we were all done taking pictures, we went in the car and went back to the house. Everyone was super happy and glad we went there.

When we were all awake, we went to the airport once again. We got to a city called Gold Coast. It was the best city out of all because we went to Dreamland and MovieWorld. The best one out of all was Movie World because we got to take pictures with Batman, Joker, Wonderwoman, and Superman. We also saw Scooby-Doo and Batman’s Bat Mobile.

The other best thing about Gold Coast was that we got to go shopping at Target. It was my first time at Target because Thailand doesn’t have Target. There were roblox figures that I really wanted because I play roblox and Thailand doesn’t have roblox figures. I wish that Thailand had Target because there were tons of toys that Thailand does not have. When we were done shopping we went to a hotel and played with our toys. When it was time to sleep, we put our toys away and slept.

Today we went to the airport to go back to Sydney. We got to sleep in the same hotel but we got bigger rooms than last time because they gave us the key slow. So they upgraded the rooms way bigger and we got rooms that connected to my friends room. We had tons of fun building my friends minecraft lego. We spent all of the time playing together because tomorrow, we had to go back to Thailand. When it was time to sleep, we said goodbye because my friends got to stay for 1 more week. We went to sleep sadly.

When we woke up, my friends were still sleeping because it was very early in the morning. We got all our luggage and went to the airport. When we were there I said bye to Australia and flew back to Thailand. It was the best trip of my life. I will never forget Australia. -Win