By Nane P.

Spring 2021 ? 5th Grade

I had just moved into my new apartment a few days ago, everything is great! Looks like I really did hit the jackpot. It was so affordable, and it had a super nice view of the busy city and cars driving by and at night, you could see the hundreds of small red lights coming from the front of the cars. And the shining bright light coming from the tall buildings at night. Every day before bed I would sit out on my balcony watching cars go by and the shops starting to close one shop then another. The happy families walked back home to their beds. Everything was great.

Tonight, as usual, I sat outside watching the beautiful night skies. Something felt wrong. I couldn?t quite put it together, but something was definitely wrong. I went to sleep a bit earlier than usual today because I was tired. I laid my head on the pillow looking up to my ceiling. And eventually I fell asleep.

Woosh, woosh, beep. I sat up on my bed, breathing rapidly. My eyes went from left to right. Scanning the whole room, the room was silent. The clock ticked and struck 3 am. I let out a huge sigh and climbed back in my sheets.

The next morning, I woke up and my forehead was burning hot. I must have caught a cold. I called in sick and went up to make myself a cup of tea. Then I noticed that there were no more eggs left. Hmm I just bought a carton of eggs yesterday, where could they have gone? I wondered. I looked around if anything else was missing and I noticed that my keychain was missing and also some rolls of toilet paper. This was freaking me out, Did someone break in while I was asleep? I decided I was going to invite my sister over for some company.

?Hi,? Amy answered the phone.

?Hey, so there’s a problem and I?m also not feeling well. Do you think you could come over to spend the night?? I asked.

?Yes, no problem, I’ll be there in five.?

I hung up the phone with Amy, my sister who was a few years older than me.

When Amy had arrived, we watched movies, baked cookies and Amy even made me soup. I went outside on my balcony with a cup of tea and watched the night skies.

After that I went to bed and Amy had slept in another room.

Woosh, Woosh, Beep. I looked at the clock. 3 am sharp. I went to Amy?s room to check on her.




?Amy?? I asked through the door.

She didn’t answer so I opened the door slightly. She wasn?t there. Did she leave? Why would she leave without telling me? Did she go out to get food? I called her, and it went straight to voicemail. I called her again. Voicemail. Her phone must have died. I couldn?t go find her now and I couldn’t just wait for her. So, I went back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up at 11am, I must have been very tired.

I called my mom to see if she knew where Amy was.

?Hi sweetheart.?

?Mother, do you know where Amy is? I haven?t seen her since last night.?

?Sweetheart your-?

My vision started to fade. The room became a dark figure. Then everything went black.

Beep, Beep, Beep. ?I slowly opened my eyes. A bright light shone above me. I was blinded by the light but I could hear some beeps and chattering. I started to come to my senses, I could make out a white room with a light shining above me. There was one chair next to me.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar person walked into the room with a green cap and a blue suit on.

?Ashley Richards?? The person said.

?Yes? That?s me.? I answered back.

?I?m your nurse and it appears you have been in a coma for 2 decades.?

?What? I have? Where?s mother and father? Where?s Amy?? I tried to run out but I was attached to many machines which made it almost impossible.

?Your mother has been called and she will come shortly.?? The nurse said and walked out of the room.

I tried to calculate how old I would be and I ended up with the results of I was 42! I have wasted my whole life in a coma. I broke down crying, but suddenly I felt a hand on my back. I looked up, and saw an old lady who was skinny, old and wrinkled. Was that my mother?

?Mother? Is that you?? I said while wiping my tears away.

?Oh my dear Ashley! You’re awake!?? My mother said while leaning down to kiss me on the forehead.

She looked so different, she had black circles under her eyes that looked like she hadn’t slept for days. She was skinny and wrinkly. Her clothes were no longer bright and colorful, but they were dark and dull. Her face was no longer smiles and joy, but they were full of sadness and tears.

?Mother, where is father and Amy?? I asked.

?Oh Ashley dear, your father left us years ago. And you don’t have a sister or know anyone by the name of Amy.? Mother explained.

I was shocked by everything that happened; everything was going by too fast. I was in my 40?s and I did nothing but have my poor old mother take care of me. I would have to get my life together now, like picking up the puzzle pieces and lining them up together.

After a few more days I was discharged from the hospital.

Mother drove me to a small hut next to the gas station. It was so small because my mother had to sell the old house to pay for my hospital fees.

The house had a tiny single room that was my mother?s bedroom and one bathroom. I would have to sleep on the couch. When I went into the bathroom I looked into the mirror and was shocked by what I saw. Was that really me? My body was wrinkly, and my eyes were bruised. I looked like I had aged 50 years despite me only aging 20 years.

That night I had slept on the couch. Although it was not the best it was still better than nothing.

Woosh, Woosh, beep. I sat upright. I started to feel the same way I did in the coma. I started to breathe faster and faster. I clutched onto my chest. Suddenly, Blackness filled my sight. Silence filled my ears. Memories filled my head.

Then beep beep beep. There goes the alarm clock. It must have all been a dream. I sighed and went to go get ready.

?Ashley?? Mother asked.

?Yes mother??

?Do you mind getting the groceries today? I’m not feeling that great.? Mother asked.

?Yes of course.?

I couldn?t drive yet so I had to take the bus. I stared outside looking at all the young children playing on the streets then suddenly one huge sign caught my eye. It read.

?HOUSE ON SALE! Luxury modern house for a hot price!?

Then on the cover I saw a modern apartment with an amazing view. I had seen this before I definitely did but where and when had I seen this?