Giant Boy Hide in Closet

by Ludo G

Fourth Grade Spring 2021

One day a man was at the park and saw a weird face in the bushes. Everyone else noticed the face. One kid decided to come up to it but then the face buried itself back into the bushes.

The kid asked the face, ?Where are you?? but the giant boy didn’t respond. The kid went into the bush to see if the big boy was still there but he was gone.

The kid went home. He told his parents about the big boy but the parents did not believe him. So then he ate a big turkey stuffed with stretchy cheese and lasagna. After dinner he went to bed and fell fast asleep because of a food coma.

Later that night he felt that something wasn’t right but he couldn?t quite place it. With the feeling someone is watching him. So with the little courage he had he pulled open the closet and out came a giant boy that said, ?Can I have some food? I am really hungry.?

The boy said, ?Sure.? He pulled a pack of beef jerky he hid under his bed and gave it to the giant and the giant said, ?Thank you.?

Then the giant walked back to the closet and vanished. Then the boy went back to sleep and had a lot more beef jerky under his bed to get prepared for the next few nights.

The next day the boy just put 10 bags of beef jerky in his closet so the giant wouldn?t come out and disturb him in his sleep and then just in five nights? all the beef jerky was gone! The boy must have thought the giant was really hungry so it ate ten bags in five nights.

That night the giant came back and said, ?Can I have some more beef jerky??

And then the boy replied, ?Ok? and then instead of one pack, the boy gave the giant 10 packs after that boy moved out of the room and the giant never came back…

Until one night when the boy became a man and lived alone, the man looked into the closet and then the giant pulled him into his own world. The man was amazed at what he saw…