By Non J

Winter 2020 ???????? Fifth Grade

?As part of a fleet of explorers, we found, not aliens but humans on other planets. They are the same as us but with higher technology.? Oh, if you are wondering who I am the Richest Scientist E-Non Dusk.?

We are finishing the task of building a new colony on Earth 6000. There are many planets of Earths in the galaxy. We found many Earths in 2047 when the first Space-N explorers left the original Earth on the first Space-N craft. Many people volunteered to live on the new earth.

In the year 2108, there was a Virus called the Y-Nin virus. The Y-Nin virus turns people into zombies. The zombies ate people’s brains. The zombies are very smart. They took the leftover human bodies and tossed them into space to create space junk. They tossed the dead humans to make the earth cleaner. But the zombies are clueless that the dead humans will cover the earth and stop the sun from coming to the earth.

With the head of humans blocking the sun, the earth became very cold. Everything turns into ice and the plants die. E-Non Dusk heard the news about the zombies and the dead humans in space. E-Non Dusk decided to come back to Earth. While he was coming back, he made a gun to stop the zombies and made a sun grenade just in case the dead humans from covering the earth from outer space.

When E-Non Dusk returned to Earth, he saw about one hundred million people floating in outer space. He felt shocked about humans that are dead in space. E-Non Dusk landed on Chucky Cheese and gave every crew member a zombie destroyer. When the crew members got out, there were zombies everywhere. They started shooting like crazy from Chucky Cheese.

E-Non Dusk used his powerful brain to come up with a plan. Suddenly, he thought of a portal that sucked up all the zombies to send them to another universe. Then E-Non Dusk walked into the design room to design the zombies portal gun. Two hours later, he finished designing the zombie portal gun. After that he waited for the robot to make the gun.

E-Non Dusk gave the Zombies an ultimatum. Make peace and declare E-Non your god or be destroyed. The zombies refused and E-Non went to battle against the zombies. He first attacked the big fat leader of the zombie. Then, cut off the leader?s head.

The crewmates shouted and said, ?We need more guns to save the world so we will make more guns.?

?Ok,? Shouted E-Non. Then he ordered his ship computers to make more guns. The computer started to make more portal guns. After the robots made the portal gun every crewmate picked up the gun and went all over the earth and stopped the zombies.

E-Non?s plan went well but one of the crewmates turned into a zombie. E-Non captured the crewmate and developed an antidote and saved the crewman and all the people that got the zombie virus. After he made the antidote, he put it into the gun and shot every zombie except one. . . DaNin Trump.

E-Non cleaned up the world and rebuilt but DaNin Trump was waiting and sleeping and growing fatter. One day, he will take over the world one day.