Should We Be Exploring Oceans Instead of Space

Should We Be Exploring Oceans Instead of Space?

By: Namo C

Spring 2020 – 5th Grade

Imagine unlocking mysteries about the deep ocean that no one has ever known before. The ocean can give us new knowledge that can help us in the present and future. Not even half of the ocean has been discovered, so it is important that we start exploring. Scientists say the ocean is critical to human life. More than 50 percent of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean, the ocean also provides us with a nutritious food supply, and is a key source of commerce, supporting more than 28 million jobs in the United States alone. For those reasons, we should support ocean exploration. It is significantly important to learn more about ocean exploration, whereas people don’t know much about the ocean, the ocean can help humans better understand and discover new things, and lastly, help cure medical diseases.

??????????? ?Firstly, it is important that we study more about ocean exploration because the ocean can help humans understand and discover new things. The ocean can help humans better understand how people are affecting the environment and the environmental changes and challenges both underwater and on land. It?s essential that we discover the ocean because without this information, people may continue to harm the environment which may lead to a serious impact for the environment.? Deep ocean exploration can tell us when tsunamis and earthquakes may occur. This is important because, when knowing when natural disasters will occur, it can prevent damage and many deaths. When exploring the ocean, it can help provide us with the basis of technology and engineering innovations as well as, new sources for food, energy resources and many more. This is crucial for the future whereas people will be using more electricity and eating more food. The basis of technology and engineering innovations are also important to our future because, soon people will be discovering new things and without technology it would be impossible to make new discoveries.

??????????? Secondly, it is crucial to learn more about ocean exploration whereas most organisms in the ocean can help cure medical diseases. According to NOAA scientists, when exploring the ocean new discoveries about organisms can tell people how to cure diseases. It is clear that, Without these organisms some diseases wouldn?t have been cured today, this is important because, without a cure it could lead to many problems such as death, depression and many more. Ocean exploration can also help find medical drugs to help patients who are in need. Without a doubt, we should explore the ocean to help find cures and medical drugs to help people who are in need. From scientific research, some organisms in the ocean can cure some of the deadliest diseases such as cancer and many more. This is important whereas diseases like cancer are really hard to cure. These organisms can prevent deaths, along with bringing joy and relief to many patients.

??????????? Surprisingly, People don’t know much about the ocean, and it is essential that we discover more about it. Only 5% of the ocean has been discovered, this leaves 95% of the ocean remaining unknown. It is vital that we learn more about the ocean because the unknown ocean will be an important source to people in the future. The ocean covers up approximately 71% of the earth’s surface, which means that there is still a great deal of the ocean to explore. The ocean covers almost all of our earth’s surface, we should explore our ocean entirely and not just a small percentage. Even Though it may take a long time, the ocean is worth exploring. There is a huge population of marine animals, but only ? of marine animals have been discovered. It is clear that we haven?t discovered much about our ocean, and we need to discover more. The ocean is very important to humans; therefore we should discover the ocean entirely. Space exploration allows people to use technology that is significantly crucial to our environment and us. We need to explore space entirely, whereas space can teach people many things that we need to know. Ocean exploration is more essential to people and our environment, since Ocean exploration can prevent deaths and answer questions that are crucial to people in the present and future.

??????????? In conclusion, ocean exploration can help humans better understand and discover new things, help prevent deaths by curing medical diseases, and finally, people don’t know much about the ocean and it is essential that we know about the ocean. Ocean exploration can help humans discover and better understand things that may become essential to humans in the future or in the present. According to NOAA scientist, some organisms in the ocean are able to cure diseases that are as deadly as cancer, this is essential whereas this can prevent many deaths. Lastly, People don’t know much about the ocean yet, it is crucial that we learn more about the ocean, without the ocean we could not have the answers that we are in need for. We need to study and explore more of our ocean, we can spread the word to people around the world. So that soon, people will be discovering new things about our ocean globally.