Long Ago and Far Away
By Kuya K
Fall 2019 Grade 3

Long ago and far away, there lived a knight named Sir Chester. One day, Sir Chester met a strange looking old woman and Sir Chester said, ?Greetings.??

The woman did not say anything to Sir Chester. With a glance, Sir Chester could not move. It turned out that the old woman was actually a witch. Sir Chester was put into a control room where he would fight beasts of power. He could not imagine the power of the beasts.

The witch said a few words before summoning the first power beast. ?Good luck. You will need it.?? The witch laughed and laughed and pressed a button and it opened a large door.

Behind that door was a zombie. Sir Chester shouted. ?What is this green goblin?!??

The witch laughed and said ?This is no green goblin. It is a zombie!??

And with no hesitation Sir Chester ran and stabbed the zombie.

The witch laughed and said, ?This zombie cannot die by blood loss or the loss of his head. The only way is to slice him bit by bit, but you will need to get him on the floor first.??

Sir Chester was smart and cut off the zombie?s leg and then chopped him bit by bit. He grabbed the dry sticks the witch threw to him to make a fire which he used to burn the zombie into dust.

The second was his choice. He had to choose one to fight. A lion or a tiger. He chose the lion thinking it would be weaker than the tiger. While it might be true he didn?t? know lions come in groups.

He held his sword tightly as the other door was opening. He put down his visors ready to take a hit or two from the pack of lions. He was thinking about using the same sticks but they already burned. He had no choice but to rush in like the witch wanted him to do.

He felt heavy as one of them bit his armor not letting go but he remembered what his older master said when he was a squire he repeated it. ?When you’re a knight, think of the armor as a stronger layer of skin that you can take off but you only take it off when necessary?? He took off his armor and sneaked behind the lion and slashed them until they could not stand. He got the victory and put on his armor again.

The witch said, ?You have gotten far and now you shall face your final opponent. Behind this door lays a giant as tall as a skyscraper!?

Sir Chester was exhausted, and he could not fight as well as before. Before the witch opened the door, she threw him a sharp blade that could cut through anything. He just needed to land a blow on his head and that will be it.

He cut a few blows on the leg until the giant could not stand and his head was low enough for him to cut. With no hesitation, he cut it and the witch released to go back to his lord again.